Chap 9

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Celeste pov

"Are you coming to my house today? I rented out Finding Nemo" Jeremy said walking me out the building

Finding Nemo is my favorite movie of all time! It's so funny and sweet and OH MY GOD! I love it. Plus maybe watching it with Jeremy would finally help me have the guts to tell Jeremy how I really feel.

I was about to answer him with a big yes but I was being pulled to the side and someone spoke for me.

"No she won't be watching movies at your flat because she has a project to finish at my place. Sorry chump you'll get her next time" Hunter said then pulled me away from Jeremy who stood there confused.

What the heck man! I know we have a project to do but it can be delayed ONE MEASLY DAY! at least a couple hours. That was my one chance with Jeremy and he blew it for me.

"Now listen to me and listen good --"

No way am I taking this crap from him not today.

"No you listen. This project can be delayed a day or at least a couple hours so calm your junk and don't you speak on my behalf lets get that out the way. I have my own mouth I can use my words correctly so I don't want you speaking for me okay! And lastly Sir! I might or might not show up to your house for the damn project if I do Ill be there when I want to! Now if you excuse me I have somewhere to be." I said walking away to my car.

It kinda felt good standing up and speaking up for myself. For the first time I didn't feel weak and pathetic. No one messes with my love life and tries to run how I spend my days.

I got in my car and from a distance I can see Hunter standing at where I finished talking to him. He was obviously in shock at how I spoke up to him finally. Then I saw him give a small smile to himself it wasn't quite an evil smile nor was it the genuine one in a million smile. It was like a cute little smirk I guess.

Hunter did look pretty cute when he wasn't being a menace. He looks like an actual good guy but I know what type of person he is. He's nothing but a mean fake butthole and I HATE HIM!

I shook my head from what I was thinking and dialed Jeremy's number. I waited for him to pick up on the other line but he never did he's probably driving.
Hunter's pov

For the very first time Celeste stood up and told me no. I was shocked at how much she grew balls and I was kinda impressed.

As she was talking I didn't really pay attention to a word she said I was just staring at her face. Yeah yeah yeah call me a weird creep but I can't help it if she's so beautiful.

I mean she looks so fragile and soft and kind that you don't wanna hurt her unless you're a big idiot like me. Whenever she gets mad her sweet innocent face is just so cute as she forces her brows to fold into a mean mug.

Sometimes I have to resist the urge to kiss her. For example this morning in the class and like now. I swear I was about to grab her any second and kiss her as if I was going to die but I couldn't just do something so rude.

Anyway she left and I stood there in amusement I smiled to myself then left before anyone could see me and keep me talking.

I had to go pick up Michelle from Nana's house today anyway so I can't stay long. I missed Chelly and I couldn't wait to see her so I went to my bike and was off.

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