chap 25

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Hunter pov

I love Celeste, I used to love looking at her, admired her. Now, it's hard for me to even walk by her. She came by earlier today which shocked me I don't know why nor did I ask.

She looked bomb too, anyway I gave her the gift I bought her. It wasn't intentional either, I was just with my mom and she was shopping, then I saw some stuff that reminded me of Celeste.

I first was going to get her sweatshirts and sweaters but then I remembered I didn't want her to be dependant on sweaters. I really wanted her to show her arms. So I picked out some stuff for her.

Anyway, i looked at her at my house and seeing her broke my heart to just imagine her being with someone else. Someone who makes her smile in a way that i cant ever.

I wanted to cry but I blinked back the tears. I know she's pissed at me because she sighed and forced a smile.

I don't think I'll ever really tell her how I feel and that's what kills me.
Celeste pov

I woke up this morning pretty early. Ryan called and woke me up this Saturday we're going somewhere and it's also Hunter's birthday, I wanted to give him something before his party and before I leave with Ryan.

I go to the shower and come back out. I get downstairs and eat some Lucky Charms then I went back up stairs. I put on the shirt Hunter got me the black and white crop tee with his Jersey number on it. I put on black knee cut skinnies black and white high top converse and I wore a black Beanie.

It was still early and I didn't wanna go to school yet. I got outside and stood outside feeling the nice cool morning air. I closed my eyes and enjoyed it, soon I could see Hunter smiling, I felt warm and happy enjoying the moment.

"Hey you look crazy smiling outside alone with your eyes closed like that." Someone called out to me

I quickly opened my eyes and before me stood Ryan.

"Hey, " I said "what are you doing here?"

"I wanted to say goodmorning to the most sexiest the most beautiful girl I've ever seen," he said walking close to me.

I smiled and he embraced me in a hug I hugged back and felt butterflies in my stomach and I felt extremely gittery as my heart beat rapid.

"Also, " he said still holding my waist and our faces close "I wanted to walk you to school " he said

"Really? " I asked

"Yeah, " he said "it's pretty early your school is a little away, by the time we get there you'll be just in time " he said

I laughed "Yeah sure I'll just go get my bookbag " I said.

I walked inside and got my bag and phone. I walked back downstairs , no one has ever walked me anywhere before except for Hunter walking me home.

We stared and he was talking and telling jokes, i laughed and stuff. Then as we approached the school i heard a motorcycle, i turned but it wasnt Hunter. Ryan kept talking saying this really long joke, then I thought of last night thinking of Hunter's laugh and that made me laugh aloud, Ryan laughed too I guess his joke was over.

"That was so funny, I'll use it at school " I said even though I wasnt paying attention

"Yeah " he said

We crossed the street and got to the school. I looked over in the lot and saw hunter's bike. My heart nearly hopped out my chest and I began to speed walk.

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