Ambushed and rescued

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It was a rainy morning in Lambert's cult; all the followers were waking up and making their way to the temple waiting for Lambert to give his daily sermon.
When Lambert arrived he gave his sermon and before he dismissed everyone he announced that he has new doctrines on the Commandment Stones and declared that no one can eat anything for three days.
All of the followers didn't agree with this decision and some lost a little faith in the lamb for this decision but they had no choice but to accept the lamb's decision.

Lambert's pov

I dismissed everyone and started to make their meals and plant more berries and Camellia flowers.
"This should be enough flowers and berries to last us for a week. If not I'll just have everyone do the fest ritual they don't eat for three days. That's enough time for me to get more food and seeds. And I won't have to worry about anyone dying of starvation while I'm out on a crusade." I said to myself quietly.
" Excuse me, great leader?" A soft voice said. I turned around to see a deer follower named Bambi looking down and back at me. "Great leader I was wondering if you can get me ten Camellia flowers from the Darkwoods please?" Bambi asked me. "Of course I can get you some flowers from the Darkwoods! Just give me a couple of days, ok?" I told Bambi. They smiled and thanked me and ran off to go help other followers chop down a tree.

As I entered the Darkwoods I ran into Haro the owl. I decided to listen to what he had to tell me.
"Winds of change blow; dost thou sense it? Around us, the world creaks and turns. Afore, it stood immobile. Motionless centuries grow rust. Now Leshy hath fallen, and hereupon the inhabitants of this land begin their fight anew to presume power. Ye shall not find them so easily dispatched again." Haro said then flew away.
I tried to figure out what Haro was talking about while the red crown turned into the traitor's dagger and took the divine blast curse and headed to the first room.
I was having trouble fighting the monsters and followers and I didn't understand why until it clicked in my mind.

When I killed Leshy his hold on the Darkwoods disappeared. So all the monsters and followers got much stronger and faster. 'So that means I've got to get even stronger and faster than them!' I thought to myself with determination in my eyes.

Time skip

I've successfully completed the crusade and collected ten Camellia flowers to give to Bambi and got an Eye Of The Witness from fighting and converting Witness Agares to my cult. I was about to step on the stone pentagram to transport back to my cult. Until I got a strange feeling that something isn't right. Something isn't right at all...until.


The sound of an arrow being released from its bow came from behind me!
I tried to summon my dagger to deflect the arrow back to my attacker.
But I wasn't quick enough.


The arrow pierced my kneecap. I fell to my uninjured leg and yelled in pain while bringing my injured knee to my chest. I tried to get up on my leg ignoring the screaming pain in my injured leg and turning the red crown into a dagger. Very determined to fight whoever attacked me then...


Sounds of two arrows being released from its bows came for both sides. One arrow pierced my other leg and the other arrow pierced... the red crown's eye.
I fell to my knees again but not in pain but in shock and horror. I watched as the arrow that pierced the red crown's eye charged its way through the air and struck a tree trunk with the red crown still attached to the arrow. And I noticed the red crown wasn't moving anymore.

I tried to crawl to the tree with the red crown stuck on but something was pulling me back by my legs. I looked back to see that there were ropes tied to the arrows that led back into the woods. "We got him!" A voice yelled the bushes started to shake and five of Leshy's followers revealed themselves with one of them holding a bow and arrow.

His attacker.

"We finally got you damned lamb!" One of the followers said, "You'll pay for killing our leader!" Another follower said. I tried to punch one of the followers but they caught my hand so I tried my other hand but the same thing happened.
"Oh no we don't want you fighting back now would we?" A follower said and took out their sword and stabbed me in both my arms. I screamed in pain as arms started to bleed and tears escaped my eyes as Leshy's followers laughed at my pain.

"I bet Leshy would enjoy seeing you in pain. I bet the three remaining bishops would enjoy seeing you in pain!" The follower said with a cruel laughter. "Enough! It's time to end this! It's time to avenge Leshy!" The follower holding a dagger said and walked up to me and raised the dagger over their head about to strike me in the chest. As tears of fear and sorrow went down my face knowing that I failed my mission I failed The One Who Waits I failed my followers and I failed to avenge my fallen species.

Third person pov:

"Say good night lamb!" The follower said as they brought the dagger down to my chest until...


Something rammed into the follower holding the dagger. "It's the beast it escaped!" "Stop it!" The first followers draw their swords and rush toward the beast.
The beast pounced on the first follower and ripped the sword from their hands and violently tore the follower apart with their teeth and claws while Lambert and the four remaining followers watched in horror.
The second followers snapped out of it and rushed towards the beast with their sword. The beast stopped mauling the now dead follower under it and turned its attention to the second follower rushing towards them.
Without a second thought the beast kicked the follower hard in the chest, sending them flying across the room and getting impaled on a tree branch. The third follower with the bow and arrow shot arrows at the beast. Three of the arrows hit the beast back. "Ha I got it!" The third follower shouted out as if they won the fight.
Oh how wrong they were.
The beast let out a low growl and caught the arrow the third follower shot at them and walked up to the third follower ripped the bow and arrow out of their hands and tossed it into the woods and violently shoved the arrow in the followers eye that pierced the back of their skull. The third follower tried to pull the arrow out of their eye until they dropped to their knees dead.
The fourth follower couldn't handle the situation anymore and made a run for it. The beast ran after the fourth follower and grabbed them and lifted the follower up to their eye level. The fourth follower started shaking in fear "Please spare me! I don't want to kill or capture you! I was just following orders!" The fourth follower pleaded for their life as the beast moved its hands to the follower's neck. The beast started adding pressure around the fourth follower's neck. The follower kept begging for their life but all that came out was choking sounds. Then...


The beast shaped the fourth follower's neck and died immediately. The beast dropped the fourth follower's body on the ground and looked at the fifth follower. The fifth follower kept a tight grip on their dagger refusing to lose it to the beast and slashed the beast leaving a mark on its chest. The beast growled and let its claws out again. The fifth follower tried to strike the beast again but the beast swung its claws at the dagger causing the dagger's blade to break apart. The fifth follower looked at their blade less dagger in horror until they felt a sharp pain going across their neck and disappearing. The fifth follower stared blankly at the beast until their head slid off from their body and their body fell to the ground.

The lamb and the wendigoजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें