Hazel's backstory,a new threat and important spell

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Lambert's pov:

As my followers piled into the Temple wondering what's going on I loudly cleared my throat gaining their attention.

"I know you all have some questions about what just happened to you after eating your special meal. Well I'm not going to explain it.." I paused as various followers gasped in surprise.

"..but Hazel will explain." I continued giving Hazel the floor.

All the attention was on Hazel as some of the followers questioned why am I letting her speak since she speaks in a different tongue. The others were staying quiet.

Hazel cleared her throat and began speaking "Well first you all should be able to understand me now." Hazel said and the followers gasped again as they could understand what Hazel was saying.

"Second, that "special meal" the lamb gave you wasn't food. It was a potion that can help you all understand me. It was the lamb's idea so I can have someone to talk to in the cult." Hazel explained to everyone.

Then Sammy's voice rang out "So that means you're the one that made the potion that almost killed me,Lake and Sylvie yesterday?!" Sammy yelled.

"Yes but I was trying to stop you three from eating the potion because it will affect you three negatively. That's why I was working on a new version of the understanding potion!" Hazel said towards Sammy.

Sammy was about to say something else but Hazel interrupted him.

"And seriously what kind of brainless idiot would randomly eat something they don't know or have no knowledge about?!" Hazel asked angrily.
As I looked to see Lake and Sylvie glaring at Sammy and Sammy hangs his head in shame and embarrassment.

"Well if anyone else has any questions for Hazel feel free to ask her." I told my followers and everyone started asking Hazel questions after question.

"Well for one I wasn't always a wendigo. I used to be a human girl still named Hazel. I used to live with my mother and my three other sisters." Hazel explained her backstory to my followers who were engaged in her life story.

"If you didn't know, a wendigo is a monster that cannibalizes other creatures. But we were different!
My mother and sisters only eat other creatures that have died from natural causes instead of chasing after them." Hazel explained. One of the followers asked if Hazel's mother was the one who taught her how to make potions.

"No, my mother was a healer in our old village. So I get to learn how to fix broken bones,heal wounds and cure illness. I didn't learn how to make potions much later." Hazel said, answering the follower's question.

One follower asked what happened to her mother and sisters. And Hazel's mood suddenly turned to sadness.

Hazel was quiet for a few seconds until she finally spoke. " My mother was burned to death by the villagers as punishment for witchcraft and cannibalism. As for my sisters...we parted ways after we all fully became wendigos and got revenge on the village for killing our mother." Hazel said sadly, making a few followers cry.

"Umn..I think that's enough questions for Hazel. You're all dismissed." I said to everyone as my followers started to leave the Temple.

Third person pov:

Lambert was in the middle building tents for the rest of his followers. Hazel was helping other followers with their tasks like chopping wood,planting crops and building a prison for dissenting followers.
Where Sammy is currently in.

It was peaceful until a loud screeching noise was heard from above the cult. Everyone looked up to see what looked like a giant hawk.
But the hawk had four eyes both glowing yellow and dark but two of the eyes on the right side was a cloudy yellow and there was a scar across both eyes. The hawk had red feathers that almost looked like scales and had two red horns on its head. One of the horns looked like it was broken off.

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