A fixed crown and a new friend

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Lambert's pov:

I stared at the beast in complete shock and fear. I witnessed it as it massacred five of Leshy's followers like nothing. I got a closer look at the beast and immediately realized it. It was the creature I freed from its cage days ago but this time I got a clearer view of it.
It has a deer skull for a head and on its forehead was a red heart. It has a pink mane around its neck and it has black fur from its chest to its legs. And it has gray cloven hooves and at the tip of its tail was the same color as its mane. And they looked around 7ft tall and had two blue glowing orbs where their eyes are supposed to be and sharper fangs and claws.

The beast turned its head towards me and started to come towards me causing my heart to skip a beat. I frantically tried to untie the ropes to the arrows in my legs ignoring the pain in both my arms until I noticed the beast was right next to me. The beast kneeled down to me. I closed my eyes and started to shake in fear waiting for the beast to kill me. But then...

"Эй, ты в порядке? Нет, подожди, конечно, ты не в порядке. У тебя колотые раны на руках и стрелы в ногах, потому что ты не в порядке! Глупый!" The beast then facepalm themselves.
Of course I didn't understand what they were saying. I wasn't familiar with their language.
"Эй, ты Агнец, что освободил меня из клетки! Давно хотел вас поблагодарить, но нигде не мог найти! Что было странно, потому что я получил твое послание, когда встретил тебя. Кстати, извините, что набросился на вас. Я был в этой клетке так долго, что думал, что ты еще один враг..." The beast said with a slight shrug.
I just blankly stared at them without saying a thing.
"Эй, овечка, где твоя красная корона... и почему ты так смотришь на меня...?" The beast asked then paused then its blue orb eyes grew in realization.
" О Боже, ты меня не понимаешь! честно говоря, почему я думал, что случайный человек сразу поймет, что я говорю это бессмысленно!" The beast yelled in frustration.

The beast then went into the woods then came back with a bag in its hand. It pulled out a bowl and a couple of berries and plants I didn't recognize and some bottles full of mysteriously liquid.
The beast started to crush and mix everything together and poured the liquid in the mix in a specific order and bit their arm adding some of their blood to the mix.
When the blood dripped into the mix it let out a small explosion and the mixture turned black and gummy.
The beast scooped the gummy mixture out of the bowl and placed it near my mouth and made a eating gesture.
"Съешь это, и ты меня поймешь. Но небольшое предупреждение: вы можете почувствовать сильную боль в мозгу в течение нескольких секунд. Но ты не умрешь!" The beast said to me even though I still can't understand them. So I ate the gummy mixture until it was all gone. But then I felt an intense pain in my head. It felt like my brain was going to explode!
When the pain finally stopped I looked at the beast and it spoke to me again.
"Не могли бы вы understand me now?" The beast asked me, now completely able to understand what they were saying.

"Hey I can understand you now!" I told the beast.
"Yay you can understand me now! That means my potion worked!" The beast said happily while clapping its hands together.
"Well now that you can understand me I suppose we should get introductions out of the way. Hi my name is Hazel I'm a wendigo or a shedigo since I'm female. What's your name?" The be-Hazel asked me. "My name is Lambert but some people will call me the lamb and my followers will call me leader or great leader."
I said to Hazel. "Leader followers? Are you running a cult?" Hazel asked me. "Yeah I'm the leader of a cult in the name of The One Who Waits and the red crown. I mean he did bring me back to life after being sacrificed and gave me his crown to help on my mission to kill the four bishops. It's the least I can do for him since you know he saved me." I explained to Hazel.

Third person pov:

'The One Who Waits? That's the name he's calling himself now?' Hazel thought to herself "The One Who Waits and the red crown huh? That's interesting. Speaking of the red crown, where is it?" Hazel asked the lamb, noticing the red crown is now on Lambert's head. The lamb frowned slightly and struggled to point to the tree where the red crown was impaled on by an arrow. "It's over there." Lambert said with a sigh.
Hazel looked up at the impaled crown and sharply sucked in air through her teeth.
"That's not good now is it?" Hazel said then she turned to the lamb and said "Don't worry I'll get down for you!" Hazel said as she ran to the tree and started to climb up it and grabbed the red crown and jumped off the tree landing on her hooves and walked towards Lambert.
"I can fix this! I just need to remove the arrow from its eye." Hazel said as she carefully broke off the end of the arrow and carefully removed the arrow from the broken side.
Hazel placed the red crown on the ground and opened her bag and pulled out three jars. One jar was filled with a black liquid, the second jar was filled with a red liquid and the third jar was filled with bones. Hazel pulled out a bowl and poured the red and black liquid in the bowl and mixed them together and took out some bones and started to crush them together and add them to the mixture and started to mix everything together.
"Hmm...I'm missing two more important ingredients but what are they?" Hazel wondered to herself then it hit her. "That's right! I need the blood of the crown's owner and an eyeball!" Hazel said as she slowly turned towards Lambert.
"Hey listen I may need some of your blood so..." Hazel said to the lamb. Before Lambert could say anything Hazel moved the mixture bowl under his left arm tightly squeezed his arm wringing out his blood into the mixture and ignoring the lamb's screams of pain.
"Ok that should be enough blood." Hazel said as she let go of Lambert's arm and mixed in the blood into the mixture.
"Now all I need is an eyeball." Hazel said which made the lamb panic thinking she would take his eyeball. But to his surprise she passed him and walked towards one of Leshy's dead followers and ripped out their eyeball. "This eyeball should do it for now!" Hazel said as she dropped the eyeball and the crown into the mixture.
"And now we wait."
Nothing happened for a bit until the potion start to bubble and violently shake and shot the red crown into the sky and the impaled hole started to disappear and the eyeball in the potion shot up to the crown and placed itself in the eyehole and turned completely red with a black slint pupils in the middle of the eye.
The red crown blinked twice and looked at Lambert and made its way down to Lambert's head.
Lambert's eyes turned red and his body started to rise in the air and a pair of red wings appeared on his back before disappearing as he landed on the ground.
Both his arms and legs were healed and he looked at Hazel as she was packing up her bag and turned to the lamb.
"Well it was nice meeting you little lamb goodbye." Hazel said as she was about to walk into the woods but Lambert gently grabbed her arm stopping her from leaving. "Wait! Where are you going?" Lambert asked Hazel. "I'm going back home well a cave where I live. Why do you ask?" Hazel said. "Well instead of going back to your cave why don't you just come with me to my cult?" Lambert offered to Hazel with a small smile on his face. "Oh I don't know...what if your followers don't like me?" Hazel said, unsure of Lambert's offer.

"They'll like you, don't worry! So what do you say Hazel? Do you want to join my cult?" Lambert asked Hazel and put out his hand to her. Hazel thought for a moment and slowly started to smile and placed her hand over Lambert's hand and shook it and said.
"I'm in!"
——————————————————————————What Hazel said:

Hey, are you okay? No, wait, of course you're not okay. You have stab wounds in your arms and arrows in your legs because you're not okay! Stupid!

Hey, you are the Lamb that freed me from the cage! I've wanted to thank you for a long time, but I couldn't find it anywhere! Which was strange because I got your scent when I met you. By the way, sorry for pouncing on you. I've been in this cage for so long I thought you were another enemy...

Hey little lamb, where is your red crown... and why are you looking at me like that...?

Oh God, you don't understand me! To be honest, why did I think that a random person would immediately understand that I was saying this is meaningless!

Eat this and you will understand me. But a word of caution: you may feel intense pain in your brain for a few seconds. But you won't die!
Can you?

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