Chapter Two

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have spent several hours visiting various restaurants and homes, hoping to find employment. Unfortunately, it seems that either they are not currently hiring or my lack of experience is a hindrance.

At 23 years old, one would assume I am capable of performing household tasks, although I must admit that I may not be the most skilled. I have observed the maids of my father's house carrying out their duties.

Being in New York City,  I am overwhelmed by its immense size and fear of getting lost in this vast place.
Although I was uncertain of my determination to prove Stella wrong and secure a job within 24 hours made the effort worthwhile.

I wanted to prove to my parents that I was capable of taking care of myself, without their constant control and influence. Throughout my entire life, my father's dominance has made me fear any mistakes as they would result in threats and consequences. 

Leaving home seemed unimaginable without the luxuries I had become accustomed to:nice clothes, expensive cars, and endless shopping sprees, after all being a model was my only identity and source of income.
Working was never part of my original plan, but the realization that leaving home also meant leaving behind everything I had, as my father still claimed ownership over it, made me understand that any job could be a lifeline, especially now as my financial independence was being stripped away from me.

"Hey get out of the way!"
"Oh, I'm sorry sir!"I turned my attention to the plump, blond man clutching his pizza, His mouth was smeared with sauce, giving him a rather unappealing appearance as he stood frozen amidst the traffic jam.

It was at that moment I realized I was standing right in the middle of the road.

Oh my, Gabby!

As I tried to navigate my way off the road, the cars around me came to a halt and waited patiently. However, their incessant honking added to my confusion, making it difficult for me to decide which direction to take. The overwhelming presence of the vehicles made me feel vulnerable and I quickly decided to turn into the right alley.

After a few minutes of looking at the map on my phone, I finally reached the restaurant.  It is a stunning and elegant establishment, and it happens to be the last one on my list. However, I can't help but feel a bit anxious about not securing the job. On the board, I notice the name "Zach's Delicious Fast Food" Written down.

Having done some research online, I discovered that this place is in dire need of additional staff. This reassures me that I have most likely secured a job here.

As I approached the entrance, I unexpectedly caught sight of someone I never thought I would see again after our painful breakup. To my surprise, it seemed that he was now working at this very place. Feeling of mix emotions, I hesitated to turn around, aware that he had already noticed me, trying not to make the situation more difficult than it already was, I composed myself and made my way inside, heading toward an unoccupied table for two. However, given my familiarity with him, it was inevitable that he would eventually make his way toward me.

"Hi. . .Gabriel." his face lights up as he greets me with a small smile.
He had a head of brown hair, complemented by greenish-blue eyes and a caramel complexion. Despite his slender build, he stood confidently in his waitperson uniform Curiosity filled my mind as I pondered the reason behind his attire.

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