Decemeber 28th

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It's been three days since Christmas and it just means it's three days closer to me having to leave my home and my people.

I woke up to Pablo on his phone just next to me. Seeing him awake looks weird and I just don't like it. Barça have a game today and it's the last time I get to see him okay till February 13th though I am dreading the wait I'm also excited.

I leaned my cheek against his shoulder peering down at his phone. He was scrolling through his Instagram dms this boy had way too many. I was intrigued to read every single one of them though.

He felt my cheek hit his arm then his face looked down at me with a small smile then he looked back to his phone scrolling through. "Morning mi amour." I sat up and groaned taking a large stretch. "Morning." I smiled as I planted a kiss onto his lips.

"Can you get me one of the hot chocolates in the staff lounge today please." I asked as I stood up from the bed. He laughed a little as he put his phone down. "Macie, You have access to the staff lounge." I shook my head.

"The cafeteria woman doesn't like me!" He raises his brow looking over to me. "Who usually get your hit chocolates?" I looked over to my wall at the frame of my team. I walked closer to the frame and pointed directly at Alexia.

He sighed as he then stood up stretching and tensing his body. My eyes just wouldn't leave his abs though he clicked his fingers. "My eyes are up here Mais." I looked up into his eyes and rolled my own.

I took his arm walking out my room down the hall towards Pedri's. We walked into his room as I jumped onto his bed. "Oi." I yelled as he groaned waking up. "What Macie what." He looked at Pablo and pulled a pillow over his face.

"Pedri. It's twelve in the afternoon." He immediately threw the pillow at Pablo then looked at his clock. I have a game in six hours!" I sighed as I took the pillow from Pablo and threw it back. "Up."

I then walked out his room with Pablo following behind and down the stairs. "I want a mcdonald's." Pablo looked at me with a glare on his face staring me down. "Please can we get one after the game Macie I can't eat fast food before a game."

I glared back as I slumped myself onto the couch. "Fine." I crossed my arms over my chest putting my legs up and pulling a blanket over me. I planned on chilling with them until four so we could all get ready for the game.

"Do you want bacon rolls?" I turned to him and nodded quickly. "Please!" He smiled turning off and walking back to the stairs. "Pedri! Bacon roll?!" I turned back to the tv turning it on looking for Disney plus. "Yes! Please!"

Pablo walked into the kitchen turning on the bib to make us our rolls. My first thought was Cars but then I realised Pablo hasn't seen Pirates Of The Caribbean and Pedri and I used to watch it on repeat.

Pedri came down stairs wearing bright pink shorts they were that bright I saw them through the tv. I turned round looking towards him and then at the shirts. "What are you wearing?"

He looked down at his shorts and shrugged. "Think their Pablo's honestly." I tried to think Pablo with bright pink shirts on in my head and I won't lie to you but I saw it.

He walked into the living-room and sat down on the other side of me laying his pillow against my calf and his head onto the pillow. I didn't even try argue over it because I knew I had to realise that I only had a little time left.

I saw these two everyday, I spend every minute of my days with them when we're not at training. to leave them both aces my heart so much. "We watching Jack Sparra????" I laughed as he looks up at the tv realising. "Yes Pedri we are."

He clapped his hands together before sitting uo looking towards the kitchen. "Oi Gavi hurry up!" He sat back down with his arms over his chest. "Mais start ittt." He was getting impatient like a little child.

My Football Heart - Pablo GaviOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora