Following Daddy's Footsteps

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Today Emmie actually has her first game for Barça and honestly I am so excited for her because she has been waiting for this day her entire life. She's getting to follow her daddy's footsteps and play as a centre mid.

She was so excited to the point she was already downstairs with her boots on and her entire kit, her hair was waiting to be done and her eyes were all still sleepy and red from her rubbing them.

"Emmie darling you can go back to sleep your game isn't till later." She shook her head with a yawn crossing her arms. "No mummy." I laughed a little and stood up from the couch picking her up. "You're going back to sleep."

I walked her upstairs and into Pablo and I's bedroom. He was fast asleep so it was clear Pedri let her out her cot unless she's found out how to actually get out of the cot I wouldn't doubt it really.

"Mummy no sleep so why me sleep!" She hugged while I laid her down beside Pablo as I got in next to her. "Mummy was getting a drink so go back to sleep." She's not even two yet I can't get over how grown up she acts.

Pablo groaned and rolled over one of his eyes peaking up at us. "What time is it." I looked at my watch on my wrist and pulled off her boots putting them on the floor. "It's 6am and she's already ready for football so both of you sleep."

Pablo pulled Emmie closer to him holding her to his chest closing his eyes mumbling. "Sleep Bunny." I then laid down wrapping my arms around the pillow closing my own eyes and again falling asleep.

Hour later we all did wake up again and all I could smell was food. Emmie jumped out the bed grabbing her boots from the floor and running downstairs. "UNCLE PEP MAKING BREAKFAST."

The last time I checked uncle pep couldn't cook. I shook Pablo a little and he just pulled me into him. "No no waking up." I ran my finger through his hair and kissed the top of his head. "Up P's making breakfast."

His eyes shot open as he looked up at me. "Pedri? Pedro? We on about him?" I nodded as I sat up. "We are." He was so confused. She stood up putting on some shorts and making his way downstairs.

I groaned a little then made my own way down the stairs towards the kitchen. Pablo took a bite of the bacon that was crisp and and Pablo who approved saying it was beautiful. "Woah. This is good."

I was so concerned. There is no way Pedri can cook. I took a bite of the pancake he has also made an dig was beautiful. "You're making breakfast for now on." I said while I sat Emmie into her highchair.

"I told you he was cooking." She said. Pedri was so concentrated it was as if he couldn't hear anything that was being said from our mouths. "Can you not speak?" He said with no emotion or movement but if his arms.

At this point we were all real confused it was like he was cooking for someone really special unless we are special but I doubt it. I decided to wait till we were at his table to ask. I walked in and sat down while Pablo sat in front of me.

Pedri brought each of our plates to the table putting sauces, juices and seasoning in the middle of the table. "Enjoy." He said then he said down onto his chair taking a deep breath. "Now can you tell me why you're cooking?"

He looked at me then his eyes aggressively looked at my plate. "Just eat it." I looked over at Pablo who was sniggering a laugh while eating his own. Emmie was enjoying it way too much it was even on her face.

"Thank you P" He smiled at me and nodded. "Right missy go get your boots back on while I go get ready." I lifted Emmie from her chair as she ran into the livingroom. I left Pablo down with Pedri making my way up the stairs.

I dressed into mum jeans with a cropped jumper where the shoulder hangs out from. I put on my white converse then added a light tab of makeup and my hair into a light messy bun. I walked down passing Pablo on the stairs kissing his lips while he made his way up to change.

Pedri at the bottom now walking up as well. He is coming with us he promised her he wouldn't miss her first match. I lifted Emmie as I got into the living room kissing all over her face. "Mummy!!" She laughed closing her eyes. "Getting too old for mummy's kisses already?"

She shook her head and held my cheeks into her palms. "Noo Of course not!!" She hugged me as I then put her down while Pablo came up behind me. "Ahhh so are we ready bunny?" She nodded and ran her way out to the car.

Pablo followed after her while I put my arm around Pedri's waist. "You okay?" He nodded and smiled down at me putting his arm over my shoulder. "Better than ever Mais." I walked out to the car with him locking and closing the door. "As long as you're sure P."

We got into the car making our ways towards her game I was real excited to watch her play midfield because I knew she'd do so well at it. Pablo was buzzing and I mean buzzing to watch her play in his role.

Pedri I don't know if I can describe his excitement. He has followed her up to this moment since the minute she was born he always told her she'd be a little midfielder and he wasn't wrong him.

We got out the car as I smiled down at her. "Remember you're string and you can do this." She looks duo to me and nodded then let my hand go running off with the team. I took Pablo's hand into my own and looked up at him.

He had slight tears into his eyes but Pedri wipes them while I leaned into his side. "She's got this." He nodded while we made our own way into the pitch sitting into the little stalls. Pablo placed his hand onto my thigh while I laid my head against his shoulder.

"You know we find out our next game if we've won the league or not." I looked up at him as Pedri joined in with the conversation. "The girls do too." I chuckled. "The celebrations going to be one of a kind." He nodded. "Oh it will be."

Emmie's team came running onto the pitch. The three of us started clapping and cheering just like the other parents were. It was odd you could clearly see and tell we were the youngest here though I am almost twenty one.

Their game kicked off and it was Emmie who kicked it off. She started tackling them and going right through them to get the ball. She fought for the ball like her father but once she scored I knew she got that from Pedri.

I jumped up and clapped my hands together cheering for her. I was so proud of her already and it had only been minutes into the game. Around ten minutes later Emmie went right through someone bringing them down with her.

She was then yellow carded though in this level the cards do nothing it caused a smirk on Pablo's face a laugh from Pedri and an eye roll from me. Who would've though. Following Daddy's Footsteps is exactly what she's doing.

Their team scored another few times and after half time so indeed they won the game but you could just look and her and know she was going to get far within in life. I was a proud mummy and there's no other way.

I walked over to her at the end picking her up giving her a high-five. "Well done bunny." Pablo said kissing her cheek. "You scored a brilliant goal girl." Pedri spoke as I smiled. "You did us all round princess." Emmie giggled and hid her face as usual.

We then got back into the car treating Emmie to a Mcdonald's for her good game then we made out ways home because we had our plans in a few days for the league winners that we we're obviously going to win.


Sorry last chapter was real short so I waited to make this one before I release them both x

My Football Heart - Pablo GaviМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя