how they found you/how you found them

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he found you

you were trying to find something to eat and when he opened the cabinet finding you inside he then took you to grillbes and you stayed with him ever sense


he found you

you were in paps studies and red found you he tried to catch you but you ran pretty fast but eventually he caught said you wont cause trouble if you lived with him he hesitantly agreed


he found you

he was coming back from toriels when he heard his trash can move he walked up to it ad opened the lid to find you in side he squealed and picked you up hugging you he then noticed that you must've been hungry so he took you in


you found him

you saw him one day and hid for the rest of the week the skeleton man scared you after hideing for what felt like months your stomach growled you sat up and turned around to see bread and a glowing red eye behind it he pushed the bread towards you with his knife and left leaveing you to eat


he didnt find you nor did you find him

killer actually found you and brought you to nightmare he stared at you and told killer to go put you in a bird cage in his room so he did you tired to break out most of the time or you just went to sleep


instead of finding you he made you

but once he did he was very irresponsible one time he dropped you making you break your arm and run away he felt terrible and tried to find you but couldn't blue told him to wait so he did but he couldn't help but want to find you

(ink x broomey)✨😩💅


he found you

it was not really that hard to see you he lives in a white void with only his dolls and his bean bag he didnt really care that you were there sense all you would do is sit on his bean bag and watch him mess with the dolls or something else

Sans Au x Bitty!reader ScenariosWhere stories live. Discover now