they find out your being bullied

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his smile with fall a little bit but he'll wrap you up in a blanket and tell you some puns to make you feel better if that does not work you'll both lay there and go to sleep


he doesn't know how to comfort but he does know what its like to be bullied so he would just rub your back hopeing it would make you feel better


he would walk up to these bullys with papyrus behind him holding you in his hands once he found the bullies he said that bullying is not nice and that he would appreciate it if they would stop but they just laughed at him so papyrus glared at the bullys making them run away in fear and blue and you smiled


he could see you were feeling down so he ask's you whats wrong once you told him you were being bullied he told you he would be right back once he came back he had red splatters all over him you think he went on a other ketchup spree


he came into his room to see dust pointing a knife at your heart laughing at you as you cried he yelled at dust to get out and he walked up you he took you out of the bird cage and sat you on his bed but he went to his work desk again


he would tell you that their just jealous of you and that they wish to be like you is that didnt work he would tell you to paint your feeling outs


he would take the bullies doll and stabbed the needle in the dolls heart and kill the bully and he told you he would never bother you again

Sans Au x Bitty!reader ScenariosOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora