when they find out your really sick

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once he came in to check up on you he saw your cheeks real red he then he panicked a little not knowing what to do so he called alphys


he noticed you were shivering really bad so he took you to papyrus asking him whats wrong with you he only said you were said and that you will be fine


he and pap rushed to undyn yelling that your life is in danger but pap explained to undyn that you were just very sick and nothing more


he looked every were but couldn't find you until pap was holding you wrapped up in his scarf he ran over to you and cradle you asking pap whats wrong he only told him that you were probability sick and you will be fine


he had enough of your silence so he took you out of the cage and flet you head he growled now know your sick he placed you in his bed and placed lavender beside you to help you relax more


he noticed you were losing your color more and more telling him you were not feeling well so he picked you up and put you in your little comfort zone hopeing you'll feel better soon


he didnt know what to do besides go to ink he told ink that you were more pale than usually ink felt your head and you were freezing he told him you will be fine but just focus on keeping you warm

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