31. The Magic Thief

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The music swirled around us, a tune I'd never heard before. Hundreds of eyes were cast upon us. He bowed, and held his hand to me. "May I have this dance?"

A million butterflies zipped around inside my stomach, and my smile was so wide, my cheeks ached. "Do you even know how to dance?"  I teased.

He grinned. "Do you?"

"It happens that I am an excellent dancer."

"Then, shall we, or are you just going to make me stand here like an idiot, holding my hand up until it starts cramping?"

I took his hand, delighting in its warmth. A prickle of electricity ran up my arm. Could it be love? Attraction? Magic?

Yes, it was.

The chill wind, scented with rich earth and ozone and old rain, whipped at my back, but in front of me, with Olivia wrapped in my arms, warmth enveloped my being

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The chill wind, scented with rich earth and ozone and old rain, whipped at my back, but in front of me, with Olivia wrapped in my arms, warmth enveloped my being. Here we stood, in the very spot we were born, and I wished this moment could last forever! I didn't even feel like axing the trees anymore. Because ...

... I had a sibling!

I mean one that was overly gorgeous, but she couldn't help that as much as I couldn't help looking odd. If I hadn't come to Castle Brittlebane, I would've gone my whole life without being aware of her existence.

Did my dads know about her? I balled my hands into fists against Olivia's back. If my fathers knew, we were going to have to have an even more serious discussion about their lying. What else had they been keeping from me? They better let her come to Coffin Ridge. The poor thing grew up here without magic. Back home, she would be just like everyone else, only prettier and with better outfits. I wanted this so badly I could taste it! A sister in the house.

Think of all the benefits of not being an only child!

1. I could steal (borrow) her amazing clothes.

2. I could blame all my mess-ups on her, like: "She used up the last of the milk and put the empty carton back in the fridge. Not me!" "Olivia drove the minivan over the ugly squirrel topiary in the front yard. Not me!" "She accidentally burned down the house in a fit of rage. Wasn't me!"

3. It would mean even numbers in arguments with the parents—two against two instead of two against one. Much better battle odds.

4. If I ever needed a blood transfusion or a new kidney, she'd likely be a match given our similar DNA or whatever two magic-made people had in place of DNA.

5. Did I mention the clothes?

"Look at them reunited," the trees rasped. Wait until we tell the dragons. Finally, we know something before they do! They think they're better than us because they breathe fire and have hordes of gold and gemstones, and can fly around spying on people. But now we have the juicy gossip! Let's alert the Crow Network!"

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