41. The Chosen One

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If anyone ever tells you you're the chosen one, run.

At best you end up with a job you never asked for.

At worst you end up dead.

No one should get to choose for us, even wizards with long gray beards and twinkly eyes. 

Especially avoid the ones with twinkly eyes!

Especially avoid the ones with twinkly eyes!

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My reflection gazed back at me. Wow, my hair looked like a nesting place for a bird with a hoarding problem. Full of dust and shards of glass.

I know! I shouldn't be worried about my hair at a time like this, but you know what happens when you look in the mirror! Your hair mocks you!

Anyway, moving on from the hair ...

A beam of silvery light shot out of the mirror, aimed straight for my heart. The cold light entered my chest, then radiated outward from my heart into my extremities. I gulped and prepared myself by clenching the usual clenching places—fists, jaw, toes, teeth, eyes, and held my breath as I waited to be turned to stone.

"Arrrrrrrgggghhhh!" Olivia screamed like a villain who realized she'd wasted precious time making a pompous speech instead of getting on with the evil plot. (Villains don't learn! All they need to do is watch a few movies and see how stupid gloating is, but let's never tell them. Still, her frustration was the most enjoyable part of my transition to a stone-based entity. Even made me miss the fact that soon I'd lose the ability to hear her epic tantrum.) "Stop her!" Olivia pushed my not fully hardened body back onto the table, hard, and threw a cloth over my chest. But the cool light from the beam wasn't thwarted. I shivered uncontrollably as it encapsulated my entire body. Who knew being turned to stone would be so cold?

Tyra growled. "It's too late, Olivia. She already saw her reflection. And you can't squeeze magic from a stone."

"I NEED HER!!!" Olivia shrieked.

"Calm down!" Tyra replied. "I can't hear myself think with your screeching."

"I'm not screeching," Olivia screeched.

"NOOOOO!" Olivia started throwing things around the room. Crash! Thump. Boom. Crack.

Loved that my ears still worked!!!

"Hey, that was my head!" Tyra said.


"Wait! I have an idea." Tyra said. "There is another."

Another? Was Tyra quoting Obi Wan from Star Wars V, or was I a triplet? Please no! One murderous sister was more than enough.

I tried to ask more, but my mouth wouldn't move. Suddenly I felt a tugging at my chest, pulling me toward the mirror like a tractor beam. There was a whooshing sound, and the strangest feeling like my body was weightless, and my brain felt fuzzy. The tractor beam lifted me off the table, and I thought I was going to smash into the mirror, but nothing shattered when my feet hit the surface. They just went straight through. But that was impossible!

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