40. The Villain's Boast

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 Ingredients for a Magical Book:

A quill made from a feather plucked from a pegasus wing.

Ink tapped from a magical squid.

Paper made from the pulp of a rowen tree.

Fill the book with your deepest, darkest, most dastardly secrets.

But take care to protect your story from those who seek to do you harm.

Lock the book with a spell of  confusion.

Hide it in a parallel realm.

Ward it with an arcane sigil.

For once your story is known, you've lost a piece of your soul.

For once your story is known, you've lost a piece of your soul

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I know what you all are thinking—

How did you, a brilliant, devious, teenage hacker/yoga-hating evil queen in waiting, fall for Olivia's lies?

Oh, sure. Now that you know the truth about her, I look pretty dumb.

But when you've fantasized about your birth family your whole life, and you finally meet them, you want it to be like the last piece of a puzzle. At last, your life makes sense.

What I'm saying is that when you have a desire that's taken root in your soul, you don't want to accept that it might be unattainable, no matter how many signs there are to the contrary.

But now I knew Olivia did not care one bit about me. She used me to make her own desires come true.

Okay, you're right. I'm a fool.

A fool with magic! My logical brain cut in.

Right! Magic. All I had to do was blast myself out of this place and warn Petronella about Olivia's dastardly plan to become queen by stealing my magic. Unless Petronella already knew. Who could I trust?

Less thinking, more blasting! my brain suggested as suddenly Olivia's fairy dust rained down on me, and I found myself magicked onto one of the metal tables in the next room, straps closing in on my wrists and ankles, the cold metal seeping through my flimsy gown, my heart pounding with the shock of being suddenly uprooted.

If you ever find yourself in a fairy tale environment, never get used to remaining in one spot. With the flick of a hand or a toss of fairy dust, you're somewhere else entirely, and there's often pain waiting for you on the other end.

Why are you taking so long? My brain shrieked. Hurry before—!

Okay, okay. No need to yell! I'm right here! Geez! I gathered my magic, feeling the buzzing flow into my fingertips, when suddenly the straps tightened, and the words of a spell died on my tongue. The buzzing also died.

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