Chapter 7

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"Make yourself comfortable" he said as he held the door open to his office.

It was quite a nice office, white walls and some bookshelves full of what she imagined was medical books, some sofas on a side with a coffee table and his desk which was full with stacks of papers but the best part was a big window wall behind where his desk was located providing an amazing view of the city.

She put the container down on the coffee table and went towards the window.

"You have a beautiful view" she commented

"I know, that's why I don't mind spending most of my time here," he walked towards the window and stood next to her " but now it's not the only beautiful thing in my office." he said in almost a whisper while passing his arm around her waist.

She got tense for a second not because of feeling uncomfortable but because while she had previously said that he hasn't changed from when they were young, she couldn't dispute how grown and mature Masaomi is now—he was no longer a child but a man.

"Masaomi!" she said in excitement and surprise for his bold behavior, "Now I know where Kaname learnt to be that way." She turned to look at him, slightly pushing him away with her finger in a playful manner, as she walked backwards while keeping eye contact and smiling at him to then turn around and go sit on the sofa.

"Come now, the food will get cold. You wouldn't want the food I made you with so much Love~ to go to waste." she said in a taunting tone while patting the seat next to her

They sat together and Masaomi started to look through everything she brought him, the food was well cooked and  thoroughly put together. A warm feeling expanded throughout his chest and he looked at her and took her hand. "Thank you, everything looks delicious."

She intertwined their hands together and looked down "you work hard and you take care of everybody, so let me take care of you while I'm here."

Oh, how glad he was that she wasn't looking at him. What would she think if she saw him like that? If she saw his face red; like the roses he stopped to look at wondering if it was alright to buy them for her? He wondered if she could hear his heartbeat? As a doctor, it worries him that maybe she got him sick with love for that would be the only explanation for his rapid heart.

She stayed until Masaomi finished eating and left hoping to get a cab since it was already late. She arrived home safe and sleepy from having to be awakened by the driver, as she was walking towards the elevator she saw the kitchen's light on and wondered who could still be awake at this time. As she redirected her way now towards the kitchen, she was capable of smelling coffee being made and she saw the tall male figure leaning against the counter while reading some papers in hand.

"You also need to rest so you can be ready and alert for the trial." I said, catching him off guard, "I'm surprised you didn't notice me."

"It's quite late, you just got here?"

"Yeah, I went to drop off some food for Masaomi, since he's staying late I want to make sure he also takes care of his health." She went to the cabinet to take two cups and hand one to him.

"Masaomi is not a child, I'm pretty sure he can take care of himself."

"I would do the same for you, so don't be jealous, okay?" she told him mockinly as she pouted but couldn't contain her smile at the idea of Ukyoo being jealous.

He chuckled at her comment and he took the jar with coffee and served them both, "you are too kind, I might take advantage of it." Without waiting a second he approached her and kissed her forehead, "I must get back to my room, I promise to take care of myself so don't worry about me."

They said their goodbyes and each went to their room.

The next morning came faster than she would have liked, she was tangled in the bed sheets and wished she wouldn't have to get out of bed, she was tired from staying late to check some documents that as much as she wished to just ignore it she couldn't keep avoiding it.

A knock at the door.

She went to open the door to find Kaname leaning against the door frame while holding a rose in hand.

"Good morning Suteki~"

'This man is gonna be my death' she mentally sighed at the ridiculously sweet gestures, "Good morning" she corresponded the greeting.

He looked her up and down and she could see the tip of his ears turning red. "I just came here to tell you that breakfast is ready, but you might wanna put some pants on first."

As she looked down she noticed that indeed she had no pants on but just her underwear and the shirt she was wearing didn't help hiding it either for it was not long enough. While it might have been a little embarrassing she didn't feel completely uncomfortable, due to a past contract to model lingerie on a runway.

"Don't act all bashful, you might be a monk but you are no saint" She said while placing her index finger against his chest "who knows how many girls have gone to the temple just to see you."

"Do I hear jealousy?"

"Why would I be jealous?" she asked while pulling his kimono as to cover his exposed chest "They have to go to you but you come to me."

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⏰ Last updated: May 05, 2023 ⏰

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