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It's been a week since Sabreen started working at Sarauta Construction companies but the so called CEO is on a business trip to jiddah and will be back tomorrow so the company is a little bit scattered because of his arrival . 
And their is a big project of a company in Chad. Wich is worth millions so every architecture is busy. 
"Wow we have a great thing here" said Anwar, one of sabreen's table mate.
Yes indeed their group leader Mubarak agreed.
They have been constructing on a paper with alot of agreement and disagreements.
"Well miss Sabreen you are really talented I can't believe 70 percent of this is your hardwork". Fadila uttered and the rest three noded in agreement.
Sabreen smiled proudly.
"Huh, we are done with the scale model" Mubarak sigh.
Who is going to choose  the best Sabreen asked looking at Anwar.
"It's the C.E.O"Mubarak answered.
There is something fishy with this so called group leader of ours. Kamar shi na tambaya( like he's the person I asked) she thought.
"What happened miss Sabreen why are you suddenly quiet what are you thinking". Mubarak asked with a worried face.
"No.. no it's nothing I'm just thinking of how i will meet this so called C.E.O of ours".she answered.
"So who is going to do the presentation" mujtaba who has been pressing his phone nonchalantly asked.
All of them looked at Sabreen.
"Wait why are all of you looking at me". She asked with a confused look.
"Well you are the only one who can explain everything right since more than half is your hardwork and I don't want this punks to ruined our life time opportunity". fadila explained.
"How?" Sabreen asked.
"Well this is the fourth group work we are doing.
Fadila ended up checking out the C.E.O wasting 3 mins and we got disqualified". Anwar muttered glaring at fadila.
"But you know almost all are better than ours and their is no way we would've been selected" she defended with a pout.
"What of you that ended up stuttering and losing the English in your crystal  brain?" everyone chuckled.
"At least I didn't check out the person that doesn't even remember my existence" he rolled his eyes.
"But even the guys know no one can resist his handsome physic" defended.
"Well everyone know many people have stage fright". He also tried to defend.
"Yes he's right" mujtaba agreed.
"Guys is okay now". Mubarak barked.
"Yes that's what you will say, as the freaking group leader who insisted we use his work because it's more organized than ours and we ended up getting last. while the group with the similar work with mine and mujtaba's our own is more sef won". Fadila argued giving Mubarak a hot glare.
"Please, can we all calm down. I'm going to do the presentation okay". Sabreen said in a low tone.
"So can we all prepare the presentation". Sabreen asked more like said.
"You know what everyone should right his own then substitute" Anwar suggested.
"In my own opinion I believe in your brain and I know you can do it this is all about explanation, so if better you just go out there and explain everything without a note". Mujtaba said gazing at everyone to see who will object.
"I agree with mujtaba but there must be points to explain in a good presentation". Mubarak uttered.
"You know guys all of their brains can be merged you see. We use anwar's suggestion and everybody should wright the points then we substitute the best words and phrases then she will use mujtaba's suggestion and explain out there" fadila said proudly wiggling her eye brows with a wide grin.
All of them noded in agreement.
"Well miss fadila I must say I'm impressed" Mubarak muttered with a smirk.

  It's already almost four some people have left already for prayers and from them mostly are heading home so let's go pray and comeback. Sabreen said standing from her chair.
They went to the mosque and pray then went back the the office and completed there work. They didn't finish til five, so decided to go home after using half of there time for argument.
Sabreen decided to take the scale model home because she can't risk anyone copying there hard work.
"Sis are you heading home" Mujaheed asked joining her in the elevator. "Yes ya Mujaheed" she answered with a smile.
"Can I see it ?" he asked again point at the covered object on her hand.
"Yes, sure". She said removing the black yard she used to cover it.
"Well although I'm not an architect but I must say this work is very unique. I don't know about my grumpy bro but if I was the one I will choose this without any hesitation". He said looking serious.
"Uhmm. Ya Mujaheed isn't the owners supposed to choose it?". She asked with a confused look.
"Well they left everything in his hand because they believe in this company and I believe in you he assured pinching her cheek. She smiled as she moved out of the elevator because they are already in the basement.

The next day

The day is hectic but still the staffs manage to be organized. Especially the ladies they all look good with the make ups and best dressing like it's the best dresser award day.
Many of the spinsters are just thinking of a way to impress their C.E.O. some of them has never even seen him before while some do. But the matter of him working their for a month or more make the atmosphere a little tensed.
There is no doubt his gonna kick some people out this month. He always does that because he's a man of perfection.
Sabreen came in wearing a simple coffee, red and pink pocket gown atampha design with stone work. She tied her hair in a low burn and tied her Ture kaga tsiya. her pink Vail was on the left side of her hand with her black half cover shoes. She applied only her khol and lipgloss but she looked breathtaking.
As she was walking to their department many spinsters realized they wasted their time in painting their faces with heavy casual makeups. She was holding her phone and their scale model wich is covered with a yard care fully.
"You are just on time" fadila sigh.
"Yes I am it's just 7:55 and the presentation is starting in the next 35 minutes". She said dropping the scale model on their table.
"And where is the group leader?" Sabreen asked.
"Well I'm right here princess" he answered with a toothy grin.
" the name is Sabreen" she corrected a little bit harsh.
"Well you don't have to be rude" he said nonchalantly while drawing his office chair backwards.
"So how much is the price award?" Sabreen asked pressing her phone.
"You mean you don't know, where was your ears when everyone was talking about it and didn't you see the banner on the door and hallway". Anwar uttered looking annoyed by her question.
"Excuse me? I asked a question if you ain't ready to answer it you should've just shuted up you know. And yes my ears were at the back of your head and I'm blind in the afternoon mtchew". She said in a harsh tone.
"Calm down bae" said Mubarak.
"It's Sabreen not bae" she replied glaring at him.
"Kentchana, kentchana" (it's okay, it's okay) said fadila in Korean.
All of them looked her. The men didn't know what it meant but Sabreen knew. After they are K-drama pals.
"It's a million for the group just for the scale model and presentation and the real payment will be done afterwards" mujtaba who has been watching silently as he always does poped out.
Wow Masha Allah Sabreen silently uttered.
"And that means 200k for each us" fadila exclaimed. with a  happy dance
"Chill girl" Anwar chuckled at her childishness.
"Everyone head to the conference hall with your works now" the HOD architecture yelled from speaker.
Their is a speaker attached to the mike in his office that he uses for announced in the sense that he doesn't have to walk from his office to theirs to pass announcement.
The ladies started checking their dresses and adjusting their faces with powders and lipsticks. While the guys adjusts a little some picking up their blazers and jackets.
But Sabreen just watched them and started giggling like she saw a bunch of mad people. But none of them have her time.
Don't forget to put your phones on DND or on silent. Another announcement from the HOD.
Mujtaba carried the scale model while all of them head there.
"Wait, we should let the people leave first or our hardwork will be destroyed" Sabreen advised.
"yes she is right" Mubarak quickly muttered. We still five 10 munites. After the first badge went they went on the second  bagde since there are two lifts, the third on is only for the COO and CEO. They managed to go their and settled 6 munites before the time.
The door from the side of the stage opened exactly at 8:30.

I hope you heart this chapter.
And the one before it.
And the on one that will come after it
Thank you for giving my book a chance.
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Enjoy 💃

Your girl Hafsarh🥀

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