Abu Dhabi.

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This chapter is dedicated to Fatima Aliyu Baraya

Abu Dhabi .

pushing a cart filled with shopping bags at Al-mushrif mall and at the same time talking with her aunt is Sabreen. "Amma farah why did you have to park the car so far" she whined.
"Sabreen why are you acting like a kid." Farah rolled her eyes.
"But it's too far" she uttered with a pout.
"We are almost there so just keep your mouth shut and keep pushing the cart." Farah warned.
They load the bags in the back sit as soon as they reached the car.
Sabreen collected the key and drove them home ofcourse she had to branch to chicken Tikka inn. To get some chicken Tikka for her self.
The gate was flew opened when they reached it. She entered and parked in front of her grandma's part.
The maids took everything in. She entered feeling exhausted.
"Teta (grandma) I'm very tired" she muttered slowly as she lie down on the sofa.
"Why won't you be tired dear you arrived here at 1 pm and you still have the energy to go shopping with your aunt." Her grandma said.
"Teta it's only 8hrs flight and I slept throughout the journey." She said.
"Who I'm i seeing here?" Affan said with a wide grin.
"'am' affan oh I'm i glad to see you" she exclaimed running to hug him.
"Don't break my bones" he chuckled .
"This girl has grown, ready to be married off" he said giving her a side eye.
"Am affan why are you so dramatic it's been only more than a week since you last saw me" she rolled her eyes.
"By the way haven't you start working? And construction companies are always busy by now since it's only 4 months before rainfall. how are you here?.
"Well 'am' it's a long story. I actually got suspended" she uttered playing with her fingers .
"Suspended?" He asked.

Sometimes before......

She met Mujaheed walking on her way to the lift.  "Sis what happened" he asked.
"Your brother suspended me" she uttered angrily.
"Calm down" he said. Because he saw something like that coming.
"Why what happened?" She told him everything.
"Let's go back I will speak to him."
"No, no need. leave him don't tell him anything." She objected.
"No this won't happen what will you tell your parents." He asked worryingly  fumed and entered the lift, he quickly followed her before it closed. She pressed the basement bottom and folded her arms.  He kept trying to convince her but she refused to listen .
When they reached the basement she went out of the lift and waved him bye.

"What a joyful occasion Masha Allah". Said Ammy who is on the phone. "
Ammy what happened why are you so happy?" She asked as she entered the parlor.
"Halima has given birth to a bouncing baby boy she say happily."
"Really?" She asked.
"Yes" her mom answered.
"So now we are going to Abu Dhabi kenan" Sabreen exclaimed with a twirl.
"I'm going to Abu Dhabi dai you and your father have to go to the office and he's busy lately he has appointments at the hospital."
"But ammi you also go to the office". She said with a pout.
"Well, I'm the CEO so I do what I want you see. And the place run smoothly eleven without me."
"Even abhi Is the CEO."
"My dear your father is a world renowned surgeon so he can't always leave work.
Why are you back this early ? She asked looking at Sabreen.
"W..we..l.l. uh..m...mmm ac.c.tual..lyy". she stammered scratching her head.
"Why are you stammering tell me what happened".
"Ammyy. Uhmm. The ceo made me his PA and he suspended me". She said all in one breath.
"What? Suspended you? Sabreen what is this your second week at work? Why? Tell me.
She sat down and told her Ammy everything, removing Mujaheed's part.
"Ammy so are we going together, are we?" She asked
While Ammy glared at her and noded.
Ammy's phone  ranged and it was her secretary. They spoked for few minutes before the call ended.
"Well Sabreen for the time being you will have to go alone I am needed in the office.
Book tomorrows first flight" she said.
Sabreen did a happy dance, ascended the stairs and walked to her room.
The next morning she catch 10am flight to Al-mushrif, Abu Dhabi.

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