Walking in a black designer office shoes, cyan three-pieces suit, with a white top and black tie, is Zayn Sarauta. His hair was packed in a low bon. He looked dashing as well as emotionless.
Before you know it, all the noises and the murmurings were no where to be found.
"Good morning everyone. Let's start with today's schedule.  I have an unexpected meeting so we are going to rush a little, every group leader should bring the scale model and keep it there" he said the last clause pointing a long table, without any interuptions.
Every group leader carried their scale model to the table and went back to their various sits.
Zayn was looking at the scale models but only one cought his attention. He looked at it very well and he had never seen something like that before. It's very unique.
He went close to the table quietly he kept looking  at the scale model.
Some think he is looking at theirs while some already lost hope.
He carried the scaled model and kept it on the front desk they use for presentation.
"This one." He said shortly.
Sabreen's group where over joyed. But they won't make a sound.
"Present it" he added.
Sabreen walked to the stage, as she looked up her eyes met his.
"You?." He asked confused.
"Yes me." She said with a cute smile.
"If I may continue, I'm here to present" she said pointing at the scale model.
"Ye..yes.. continue". He stuttered confused.
She presented very beautifully and wonderfully and he couldn't help but take theirs and pass her the cheque.
They left for their office feeling over joyed. Their mates congrated them although they were unhappy about it.

Zayn's POV
"How is she here, she even had the guts to come into my company?" I uttered waking from safa to marwa in my office.
I went around my table and press some numbers in my landline. Without hesitation the call was picked. "Mujaheed! I want you in my office now." I said and cuted the call imediately. In just a minute Mujaheed appeared in my office.
"Ya Zayn what happened" he asked looking worried.
"Mujaheed is about the girl, I told you about. How did she even start working here."
"Who exactly?" He asked with a confused look.
"Uhmm. What is her name again. Yes Sabreen." I replied."She started working a week back. Ya Zayn you mean Sabreen is the girl you fought with." He asked trying to hold back a laugh.
"Yes." I replied.

Well this is good, she will know the quensequences Of messing with Zayn" I said with a smirk.
"But Ya Zayn your personal and professional life is different". He said.
"Yes you are right but it will be in a professional way." 
"Ya Zayn" he called again.
"Don't ya Zayn me it is final I must deal with her.
You can go" i said looking at another direction giving him no room to object.
He went out quitely.
I pressed a botton and my secretary appeared before me.
"Checked the room that's meant to be my PA's if it needs anything." He said checking a file.
"Okay", he replied moving out.
My  secretary checked everything and the office need nothing, although there is no one there because I said I need no PA the place is always kept clean.
He came back and report it to me.
"Tell the HOD architecture that Sabreen Muhammad Danbatta will be working as my PA from now on."
He looked kind of confused but he has no room to say anything so he just did as I said.
When he came back I told him to Summon her. "And tell her I want to see her in five munites." I told him.

Authors POV.
The secretary stood by the door of the architectures staff room and everyone looked at his direction.
Some are already freaked out because there must be a good reason before you see the C.E.O's sec.
"The C.E.O want to see miss Sabreen Muhammad Danbatta in five munites."
All of them were confused and thinking of different things.
"I'm dead" she thought.
"You are dead?" Her group mates asked in chorus.
"You heard that?" She asked.
"Ofcourse we did" fadila answered.
"No one has ever entered the C.E.O's office if not his secretary is he maybe in love with her or something?" Akilu thought out.
The secretary has already left so she made her way to the C.E.O's office. "Go in," said his secretary sitting in his desk which is in the corridor.  She was about to knock when the door opened by it self.
She entered quietly trying to be bold when in reality she is completely freaked out.
"Welcome miss Sabreen Muhammad Danbatta" he said offering her a sit with a hand gesture. She sat down with many things in her head.
"You are 10 seconds late" he said looking at the alarm clock on his table. "Don't repeat that.
From now on you will be my personal assistant and you will be working hand in hand with my secretary and me ofcourse your boss." He said looking seriously. "His PA?" she thought squeezing her face a little.
"Yes, my PA."
She caressed her finger on her forehead a little feeling emberassed.
he smiled lightly.
"Pack your things and set your office and I want you here in fifteen minutes."
"Fifteen minutes? How will I do everything in that little time." She asked.
"That's your problem but I forgave you the last time this time don't be late". He said with a warning look.
As she entered the staff room every one was asking a bunch of questions and she answered all of them with "I'm his new PA" and ignored the rest.
She started packing and fadila gave her the i need more explanation look.  And she just noded.
She picked her bag and her sketch pad. And moved to the office the secretary showed her as her office.
The office looked cool with a refrigerator, a good looking toilet a big desk with a comfy office chair she took her time checking and admiring her new office that she will occupy all by her self and smiling sheepishly forgetting her boss's orders.
Looking at the wall clock in her office, it is 15 munites already.
She quickly moved out from her office and fall in his office because she met the door open.
"You are 25 secs late" he said without looking at her. "Get me a well creamed coffee from the cafeteria". He said again without looking at her. And I want it in a tea cup.
Without hesitation she went out and went to the cafeteria.
She went directly to the woman standing there. "Miss Sabreen you are taking coffee?" she asked because Sabreen has never took coffee in the cafeteria before.
"No. I don't like coffee it's for the C.E.O" she said.
"Why are you taking the C.E.O's coffee".
"Well I'm his PA." She replied shortly.
"His PA?" She lady asked with a confused look.
"Yes and please if you won't mind can I get the coffee" she asked because she has started getting annoyed with her questions.
"A well creamed coffee." She said again.
The lady understood that she was annoyed so she just made the coffee and passed it to her.
She collected the coffee and head to his office.
"Miss Sabreen this coffee is cold." he uttered looking at her.
Her mind was so occupied that she didn't think about the coffee getting cold. Afterall the coffee in a teacup was meant to be cold from the down floor to the 6th floor in the cold elevator.
"I want a steaming coffee get me another one." He said.
"But Mr Zayn there is no way I will get a coffee in a tea cup without it getting cold." She complained.
"Okay then tell her to prepare it in my coffee flask" he said.
"Okay" she sighed
She went back and told the lady her order.
"I wanted to tell you the same but you looked annoyed that's why I kept Quiet." The lady muttered.
"Sorry." Sabreen apologized. "No it's okay."
She collected the flask and went to his office already tired.
Here is your coffee she said dropping the flask on his desk.
"Did I say creamed coffee? My bad. I meant black no Suger coffee" he said.
She squeezed her face ready to blow up.
"Remember I'm your boss so just do as I say."
She stommed out of the office and he laughed he's head off. " Dani kike wasan"( you are playing with me). He said.
She went back and got the third coffee. And went back.
"Actually, I don't feel like taking coffee again, and we won't waste the third coffee will we? so you have to drink it now." He said with mischievous smile. 
"You are doing all this deliberately" she said with a murderous look.
"You bet it I am, and there is nothing you can do about it. Now drink it all."
"I don't take coffee, and this is black no Sugar coffee." She said looking at flask in her hand.
"I don't care finish it up in two munites and get me a creamed cappuccino." He said.
"Will you stop looking at me that drink it up?"
"No I can't and I won't . Is this your way of revenge?" She asked.
"Well if that's your POV then yes.
Take this and drink it up" he said passing her a tea cup
"I will not take it." She said dropping the flask on his table.
"Then you are two weeks suspended." He uttered looking serious.
"Thank. You. Mr Zayn." She uttered one by one and stommed out she went to her office and carried her bag and phone.
"Miss Sabreen are you leaving" the secretary asked.
"Yes I am two weeks suspended." She answered walking out of the corridor.

Do you like the chapter.
Thanks for reading it. And please continue reading.
Sabreen is two weeks suspended 😳
If I could I would've asked him to forgive her. But I don't want him to banned me from using Wattpad so I'll just keep quiet.
Sha I feel her pain.
The poor girl.

We meet in the next chapter
Enjoy 💃

Your girl Hafsarh


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