Chapter 4. ......She's Back!?!?

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After a while Poppy asked Trollex, DJ and Ruby to turn down the music for a minute as everyone stopped partying and looked at Poppy. "Ok, everyone. I just want to take a moment of silence. Get a little real" Poppy says and then Biggie shouts from the crowd "Poppy! She's my friend! I know her!" and was immediately shushed by the others.

Poppy continued as she says "I would like to take this moment to celebrate the former King of Pop. My Father" as she was joined by King Peppy. "My Father, 20 years ago this night, saved every Pop Troll from getting eaten. And not only that I would also like to take a second to also celebrate one of my closest friend... Ruby" Poppy says and a light points at Ruby who looked surprised by this and Poppy gestures Ruby to come stand next to her, Ruby gets onstage with Poppy as looks at her human best friend and says "Ruby... You have helped us in many ways and I couldn't be more proud to have you as a close friend. I wanted to say that this party was also to honor you for staying in our world and being our friend" and everyone awed at this while Ruby smiles softly and then Poppy says "And with everything you've done for us I would like to give you something in honor" and gestures Becky to come up and holds out the black box for Poppy.

She smiled and went to the box, opens it and inside revealed to be a magical faery sterling silver circlet with three light blue gems in the middle.

Ruby was in awe along with everyone as Poppy grabs the silver circlet, looks at Ruby and nods at her as Ruby bents down and Poppy gently placed the silver circlet on Ruby's head, causing her to look up and smiles and then Poppy looks at the crowd ...

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Ruby was in awe along with everyone as Poppy grabs the silver circlet, looks at Ruby and nods at her as Ruby bents down and Poppy gently placed the silver circlet on Ruby's head, causing her to look up and smiles and then Poppy looks at the crowd as Ruby gets up and then announced "As Queen of the Pop Trolls I hereby declare Ruby the official Protector of Trollstopia!".

Everyone started cheered loudly for Ruby who was shocked by this and then looks Poppy and smiled with tears coming down and says "I don't know what to say..." and hugs Poppy who hugs back as Trollstopia and the girls families continued cheering for Ruby, Leah looks at her daughter with a proud smile and looked like she's ready to cry in happiness, Kanna watches her granddaughter with proudness, Amber was cheering loudly for Ruby in the crowd, Becky claps and smiles and while Trollex stares at Ruby lovingly as he felt so lucky to have her in his life.

Poppy and Ruby broke the hug and then Ruby as she looks at the crowd and says "And the best part is... We can throw this party as crazy as we want without worrying about being discovered by a-" but then a loud rumbling started happening and this made everyone get a little nervous, but then Poppy said "Maybe our Bergen friends decided to join our celebration early" and then Branch looked at Ruby and asked "Ruby, please tell me you invited the Bergens?" and Ruby shook her head and said "No. I would've told you guys if I did" but when the source of the rumbling came to Pop village, Poppy and Ruby saw it was anything but a friend, "You!" and it was... Chef.

She quietly said "Gotcha" and Ruby's eyes widen as she took a slight step back and quickly summons her staff and then she was joined by the leaders, the girls families, the ambassadors, Amber and Branch who said "Oh, no! Not you again!" and the other leaders and ambassadors were confused as to what was happening. "Um, Poppy, Ruby, who is this?" King Quincy asked and Ruby replied "She's the old royal chef of Bergen Town, the one who was banished at the end of our adventure!".

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