Chapter 5. Rescue Mission Plan

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Once Chef was far away from Pop Village, the Trolls, Amber, Becky and including their families came out of hiding and had gathered in a crowd, trying to figure out what to do. "What are we gonna do?!" Satin asked and then Chenille says "That beast took Poppy, Ruby and the other leaders!".

"She took Mom and Dad!" Prince D exclaimed and then Beatdrop exclaims "She took my best friend!" and then Growly Pete says panickily "Growly, growly, growl!" and Clampers cried out "I want my Aunt Delta!" and then Pennywhistle says worryingly "How will we be able to play without Conductor Trollzart?" and while Amber looked worried and scared as she says "She took Ruby as well!" and Leah saw Ruby's necklace and her silver circlet and she went up to them and grabs them before having tears in her eyes and holds them close to her as tears came down and Kanna went to comfort her daughter worried about her granddaughter and while Branch was also worried about his girlfriend.

"She took my Aunt Poppy and Aunt Ruby! Rock me, Daddy!" Tiny diamond says and Guy did just that and Tiny says "Mmm, that's nice" and then Biggie says "The question now is 'What will she do with them?'" and everyone kept freaking about the what had happened along with the girls families, until Branch finally knew what to do and shushed them. "Ok, this is pretty much like what happened when she first found us on the same night at the party during the whole 'Bringing back Trollstice' fiasco; what we need to launch a rescue mission. I'm gonna need a few volunteers to help me save them before it's too late".

Just as he said that, the Reggaeton Trolls, the K-Pop gang, Hickory and Dickory showed up. "Aye, no! Did we miss the party? I knew taking the scenic route was a bad idea!" and Wani looks at him and says "What? The scenic route was your idea!" and then Hickory went to Branch and says "Sorry, we're late to the party. Hey, where's Queen Poppy and Ruby?".

Dickory looked at the ruined village and says "Nein! We must have missed one heck of a party!" and Becky cuts in and says "The party's over, but not the way we had it planned it. We just got attack by an evil Bergen!" and all the late party guests gasped. "What? What are you talking about?" Wani asked.

"The old Chef that was banished from Bergen Town captured every leader of Trollstopia! Including Mom and Dad and Ruby!" Cooper said and Tresillo exclaimed "Santa Maria!" and then Branch says "I had literally just asked for volunteers  to go with me on a rescue mission".

Everyone had volunteered to save their leaders and human friend, but Branch knew he couldn't takes everyone and so he made his decision as he said "I choose Tresillo, Wani, and Hickory to be my rescue team" and everyone applauded but Amber, Becky, the Snack Pack, and Leah wanted to go too. "But Branch, Poppy and Ruby are our friends. She, Ruby and you saved us when we were caught, and now it's our turn to help her" DJ said and then Cooper says "And besides I lost my parents before, and I won't lose them again!" and Amber comes in and says "That's right, Becky and I are not going to lose our best friend when she needs us and I know Leah feels the same way" as both Leah and Becky, who nodded. Branch looks at them and says "Look, I'm sure you would all make a great team, but if too much of us go, it might make it easier for us to get caught. And these guys are the best bounty hunters I've ever come across and I should know. Their skills are what a rescue team needs".

The Snack Pack, Amber, Becky and Leah then agreed and accepted Branch's decision on who to take with him to save the leaders and their human friend/daughter. Branch's team grabbed all the things they might need for the rescue mission like; food, water and some camping gear. Once everything was packed, Branch had ordered the Pop Trolls along with the girls' families into his bunker and every Troll from every other tribe to go home, since Chef probably doesn't know where the other kingdoms are.

Everyone then bid them farewell and wished them good luck as they went into the forest, following Chef's trail while it was still fresh. As they continued walking they thought of nothing more than how important it was to find the leaders and the human protector and make sure they were alright, Branch walked with a sad look on his face worried about his sister figure and girlfriend. Hickory noticed this and comfort him by saying "Don't you worry. Poppy, Ruby and the other leaders are tough and I'm sure they'll be fine" and Branch smiled and then started to hope that Hickory was right.

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