Chapter 11. A Close Call

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Back at the Trailer; (Of Course)

The leaders, Ruby and Branch's troop still refused to tell Chef where the other Trolls were. Chef finally lost her patience and says "Fine! I suppose I'll have to make a slight change in my plan for revenge" and then she grabbed a few cooking utensils, turns on her stove and grabbed one of her old recipe books for cooking Trolls. Her hostages watched with with horror as Kyle, Oscar and Lucas were terrified and then Chef turned to them and says "I guess if I'm not going to have a huge buffet of Trolls, I might as well have a fancy dinner of royal Trolls...along with side dishes".

"Lady, you are sick...and not in a good way!" Barb shouted and Delta also shouted to Chef "Yeah! Don't you think that this won't come with consequences?!" and Chef responded "Aw, nothing comes without consequences, but it'll be worth it when I enjoy my feast of revenge!" and then Poppy shouted "Do you really think this will satisfy you? Revenge is never the answer!" and King Quincy backed her up by saying "She's right! We may get upset at other people and maybe want to hurt them, but what good will that do?".

"Look, we're sorry your life didn't go the way you wanted it, but that's just what happened" Queen Essence says and then Trollex said "And maybe it would've gone the way you wanted it you didn't want to hurt others! But, the point is... Hurting us isn't gonna make you feel better" and Ruby looks at her boyfriend with a soft smile on her face.

Chef showed a sad face at first, but then said "Maybe not... But it's worth a shot!" and she put some water in a pot and placed it on the burning stove and once it started boiling, she headed towards Branch's cage but stopped when she looked at Amber and Becky before grinning and then unlocked their cage and grabs Amber, who let out a yelp. "Amber!" Poppy, Becky, Ruby and Kyle, who is holding Nova shouted and Amber looks back at them with worry in her eyes.

"Get ready! You're gonna be landing in even hotter water!" Chef said as she started lowering Amber into the pot while turning to her hostages and added "I hope you guys said 'goodbye' to your friend" and Amber was struggling to break free while she was about to become soup with everyone else watching in horror. "No, no!" Ruby yells as she starts shaking the bar to the cage and Kyle screams with tears in his eyes "No, please! Don't kill my big sister!!" and while Nova saw this and began to whimper seeing something bad was gonna happen to her big sister. "Amber!!" Becky screamed with horror and fear in her voice.

But just before Amber could touch the hot water, a knock came on Chef's door.

Chef lifted her back up and angrily said "Now, what?!" and everyone sighed in relief and then Amber was placed back in the cage. "Amber!!" Kyle cried out as he ran towards his sister and hugged her while sobbing a little in her chest and Amber smiled softly as she hugs him back before rubbing Nova's head, making the baby cooed happily and Amber hugs her siblings close as she whispers softly "I'm sorry for making you worry" and the others were relieved to see that Amber was alright.

Chef went to the door and opened it as she shouted "Who's there?!".

"We are!"

Chef looks down and sees Smidge, Leah, Makayla and Sophia. "I suggest you let your hostages go or you've just bought a ticket to Pain City!" Smidge shouted and Chef just laughed with amusement and then says "Is this another rescue attempt? Pathetic! What makes you think only one Troll and three humans can take me down?" and this caused Smidge and the three women to have sly grins on their faces as Sophia said "We don't" and Chef was confused, but then looked up and saw that Smidge, Leah, Makayla and Sophia weren't alone.

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