Chap 11

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Jenna sat in silence in her trailer, as she acted out quietly her lines and scene, y/n was dead asleep on the couch, she hadn't been feeling well so she decided to take a Power Nap, Jenna hoped she wouldn't get sick, nobody deserves to get sick
A vibration caught her eye, y/n's phone lit up, the older girl didn't even flinch
Should I...?
Just a peak...
It's not okay
But you wanna see
What would Emma say?
Do it
She quietly made her way next to y/n tapping the Home Screen softly making sure not to move her phone so much, she was met with a simple lock screen of the moon
There it was
Camila Cabello
Hey y/'s been a while...I'm sorry I never texted back, how've you been?
This Dumb. Fucking . Bitch
Another person she had to worry about.
Jenna didn't do anything, she just stared at y/n as she slept frowning, why would Camila text her ?  Why now? She signed covering her up, she was shivering, y/n was about to get sick .
It was Jenna's turn to take care of her and for that she was happy.
She made her way to the catering area where she's saw Joy smileas she saw herself on the mirror, she was decided to go on a date with y/n.
She was pissed that Jenna had been so rude and interrupted her, did she like y/n as well?? She had no chance, that girl had only been rude to y/n, why would she date someone like that? Her on the other side had only been sweet to y/n, she felt confident about herself, she just had to get Jenna out of the way.
"Hey Joy, I'd like to apologize for being such a bitch the other day" Jenna said directly without a hello or anything, this took her by surprise
"Hey Jen, it's totally fine I understand just really took my off guard with that reaction" Maybe she didn't have a crush on y/n ? If she was apologizing that meant it was just her being a bitch no?
"Still that's not okay I've been all over the place and yeah just wanted to apologize " she said quickly looking down, perks of being an actress I guess
"It's okay really, anyway have you seen y/n? I've been meaning to talk to her "
"Yeah but she's sleeping at the moment I think she may have gotten sick I'm actually looking for the nurse to check up on her " Joy nodded sadly, it was best for y/n to rest, her question could wait, she was actually glad to see Jenna concerned for her and not just like another worker or something.

" I think his is your opportunity Jen" Tyler said as he ate a lollipop, Emma nodded as well not looking up from her phone "isn't there a nurse thing where patients fall for there nurse ? This could be you" she said giving her a look, like you should go for it, Jenna had ask if they had hot soup or something but they only had instant noodles "I..I don't even- " "Girl we all know you like her " Tyler said smiling slightly, he knew it was hard to accept yourself and your feelings, yeah she should do it on her own but a little push never hurts somebody "Or Joy's gonna ask her first and you don't want that" Moosa added, they were all right , what could she lose ?

Y/n stared at her phone slightly the brightness to bright, she read Camila's text, the hell?? It's been like...a year, that's strange
"Hey sleepy head" Jenna said as she closed the door, y/n saw she had noodles, she must've gotten hungry "I'm sorry I slept I hope you didn't have to do much" she cringed at the sound of her voice, all cracky, it hurt a lot "This is actually for you, I hope you like chicken flavor" she said blushing a bit, y/n as well blushed not expecting this at all "me?" Jenna nodded handing it to her "Careful it's a bit hot and try not to speak much, you sound like shit" y/n laughed nodding, she was right after all "thank you ..for this " Jenna smiled as she pulled out some sore throat mints (idk what their called ) and handed it them to her "I actually have a bit of gossip" y/n said as she ate blew on the soup
I already know she texted you
Jenna raised an eyebrow "Gossip?? Do tell"
Y/n ate her soup as she showed her Camila's text , Jenna pretended to read making a gasping sound "she texted you??" Y/n nodded "Yeah after like a year I wonder what she wants "
Good so you wonder what she wants as well
"Are you gonna answer back?" Jenna asked feeling a bit nervous, y/n hadn't thought about that actually
"Mmm no, if she sends another text then I'll consider it "
Relief, was all Jenna's chest could feel, time to put her plan to action, she stood up kneeling in front of y/n "how are you feeling?" She noticed how the older girls face got flushed in blush, success, " bones hurt a bit and my throat is killing me " she barely made out, Jenna nodded as she placed her hand on her forehead frowning, she was hot, not normal temperature "I'll call the set doctor to come check on you yeah? " y/n nodded, Jenna could see her eyes shining, this made her smile "I'll take care of you don't worry
my y/n I'll take care of you.

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