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Jenna couldn't take the pressure, she didn't want to do this anymore no matter how hard she tried she was to weak to even...to even try anymore she stared at the bottle of pills in her hands, why stay somewhere where they don't love you? she felt so sorry for y/n but she just...couldn't anymore and this was her solution to all of her problems

she started to write her last letter

To all of my dear followers, my fans i adore you with all my heart, i give permission to make this public, for your guys eyes you should know what i'm really going through, I am lesbian and i didn't have my family's support, if i didn't have their support why would i have yours? Thank you all for everything i wouldn't be who i am without you guys, please be strong for i am weak.

-Love, Jenna Ortega 

She teared up as she grabbed another piece of paper, this one to her beloved 

Dear Y/n, i love you dear so, i'd do anything for you heavens know, but i am weak without my family, i am nothing, i wish we never met, so i could save you from all the pain i am about to cause to your precious heart my love, i will always watch after you please forgive me for all of this i wish i could say more but i have no words for what i'm about to do, all i can say is.. I Love you and i'll wait for you in the after life. 

-The love of your life Jenna Marie Ortega. 

With tears in her eyes she took pills hugging her pillow. 

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