chapter 32~ her

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She's really here; the one who made me miserable is standing in front of me, my sister, my secret.

She's the abyss that you fall into; she's the one who makes you feel like you're falling when you aren't.

I look at her, and she looks more like mom, the biological one.

"Why are you here?" I ask with my rough voice.

"After you disappeared and I couldn't contact you, I got worried. I tried to find you but failed many times. Then I found out I have brothers, so yeah, haha, here I am." She's smiling and laughing.

"I also did a few tests to make sure I really am related to them," she says, looking at them.

"No, no, no, no, you can't be here."

"Aza-" Dorian tried to say something.

"No, I was doing fine, and she came to destroy my finally happy life." I look at them.

"She's your sister; whatever happens, I hope you can sort it all out."

"Kenji, shut the fuck up!" I shout.

"Okay, everybody, stop," I hear Dorian say.

"Let's calm down, and in an hour we will have dinner all together," he adds.

"I don't want dinner with her; did you not hear what I said?"

"Azalea," he says, looking at me, and chills fill me when he raises his voice.

He has never realized his voice at me.

I stormed to my room, heavily breathing.

I don't know what to do; I'm scared of her.

She will ruin the family.

I can't. Tears slide down my cheek.

Suddenly, someone comes inside the room.

God, I hope it's Kenji.

But I was wrong.

"Hello sister," she says, showing up with her stupid smile that she wears all the time.

"What do you want?"

"I'll get to the point; try anything, and you're good as dead."

"Why did you come here? Weren't you good with Maxsim?"

"What can I say? I got bored," she winks and walks out.

Half an hour later, we're sitting at the table, and Alex's sitting in front of me.

"Explain," Dorian said.

"Well, our parents were not doing well, so your uncle took me in; he couldn't handle two kids along with his own, so it happened that Azalea stayed at her parents house," she explained.

"Azalea," he said as if it were my turn to say something.

"He took her because she's blonde and I didn't look Russian enough, and they thought I was an embarrassment for the family."

"Aza, you know he wasn't doing well financially; he did everything he could to help you," he tells me to pedophiles.

"Why didn't you tell us we have another sister?" I don't give Dorian an answer.

I look at Henry, and he looks disappointed. Theo isn't even looking at me.

"It's okay; now I'm here and not planning on going back."

And my hell begins.

I want to murder her. I want to break each of her fingers off and make her eat them. I want her dead.

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