chapter 50~ bad idea

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When I got back, they were done talking, and Henry looked pissed.

I didn't ask anything.

When we got back home, he stormed into Dorian's office, and I heard them argue.

It turned out that Dorian also didn't know about it.

And next day, AKA now I'm sitting with mom at the kitchen table while she's making cookies.

"Mom, do you think Kenji's family can actually help us?"

"Of course, they are number one among the strongest mafia."

"Which one is my brother?" I ask her.

"Not your brothers but ours; your part of it, but we're second; why did you ask?"

"Just curious." She doesn't know what conversation we had yesterday.

I can't see Dorian as much as I used to, but whenever I see him, I can see his lack of sleep; he doesn't eat because he's constantly in his office and is trying to assure everyone that everything is fine.

But we all see it's not

I wonder how long it will last if I marry Kenji.

Will it actually help him? I know me and Dorian don't have the relationship we had when I first came here, but I still care for him.

And I hate seeing him like this—not only him but Henry and Owen as well.

"Mom, can I tell you something, but promise me you won't lose your temper?"

"Okay, what's going on?"


"Okay, I promise," so I tell her all about yesterday.

She doesn't look pleased, but she doesn't lose her temper.

"We live in a world where arranged marriages are too common, but I have married for love, and I wish it for you too. I don't want it to be your regret, honey," she says calmly.

"And divorce isn't always an option when you're in the mafia; I mean, Dorian was also married."

"He was what?" I say, shocked.

"You didn't know," she asks, and I shake my head.

"He was engaged when he was 25; she had someone else, and he wasn't interested in her, so they came to an agreement."

"Which was?" I question.

"They would get engaged, they would mind their own businesses, and they would appear together whenever it's necessary. After their deal was done and everyone got what they wanted, they separated."

"So they don't have to be together forever?"

"No, but it depends on the deal you make; if both sides are okay with it, then I don't see a problem."


That's not a bad idea.

Azalea Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang