chapter 54~ my clothes

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I packed my stuff, and they said that the suitcases would be in a different car and be delivered later on.

After I hugged all of my brothers and mom and said goodbye to Liam, I left.

Kenji's parents will hand me the contract as soon as I get there; they assured Dorian that there's no need for him to bother and come here.

Dorian seems to trust them, so he lets me go alone.

Some guy is driving me. Dorian and Henry requested all the information about the man who will be driving me and protecting

This driver's name is Julian, but he said that friends call him 'J' so I call him that as well.

I didn't ask him his age, but he looks in his early 50's. I think

Anyway, I'm nervous. I'm not good with new environments.

And I'm not on good terms with Kenji, so

I mean, I did forgive everyone, and I just kind of did as well with him.

I don't know, but I for sure know we won't be anything but friends.

Yeah, we could at least be friends.


"We're here," J says, and I look out of the window.

He gets up and opens the door for me.

"You know you don't have to do that with me," I tell him.

He just smiles at me and then goes back in his car and drives off.

I walk inside and see Kenji's dad.

"Oh, Azalea, you're here. I don't think I have mentioned my name before; it's David, and my wife is Maria." I knew their names; Kenji told me months ago.

He sounds more friendly, not like he did with Dorian.

"Kenji will be home any minute; Maria left a contract in your room; I'll take you there," he says and starts to walk.

I follow him, and damn, this place is big. I'll probably get lost here a couple of times till I remember all the turns.

On the way to his room, he showed me his and his wife's rooms in case I needed something, Kenji's office, and his room.

He also said that this is not their house, and they will be out in a few weeks or so.

It turned out to be Kenji's place.

Finally, we get to my room, and he leaves.

I find a contract on a desk and re-read it.

It's all good; we will separate the day we all get what we want. There's no specific date for it, but it's fine.

I remembered I didn't have any clothes to change into.

When will my suitcases get here?

Suddenly, my thoughts were interrupted by a knock. I said to come in, and it's

"Hey, sorry, I wasn't here when you got here; I was at work," he explains.

"It's fine," I say.

"Is something wrong?" he asks, like he reads my mind.

"My suitcases aren't here yet, and I have nothing to change into," I admit.

"Oh, I can lend you some of my clothes," he offers.

"Amm, yeah, sure, I guess."

"Wanna come to my room?" he asks, and I shake my head.

He looked a little disappointed.

He walks out and then comes back with some sweatpants and a hoodie.

I thanked him and changed them when he left.

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