2- Speak to me

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Charles King led me to a sleek black car casually parked on the side of the street as if it belonged in front of an orphanage. I wasn't fond of cars, but I recognized the fancy brand without a doubt. It was the kind of car I would never dream of touching, even less going into. And there he was, that elegant man who looked so natural surrounded by wealth. To my surprise, he walked towards the passenger door and opened it, then looked at me. The message was clear. I entered the car, and he closed the door for me, before walking on the other side of the car. The leather seats screamed luxury. It smelled like a new car. I had never liked that smell, it made me travel-sick.

Strangely, at the exact second we found ourselves alone, he seemed to relax. The intimidating aura he gave away while in the building faded a bit, and he even smiled at me, a soft smile that nearly melted my heart. To me, it was like the first smile in an eternity. The two days I had been in the orphanage felt as though all the joy had been drained out of my soul. All the faces I had seen were sorrowful, sad, void of emotion. No smiles. No laughter.

Charles didn't seem to mind the silence. I, on the other hand, was always one to fill in the blanks with light chatter. Or well, I used to be like that. I hadn't uttered a single world in the last two days. Even if I tried right now, I wasn't sure I would be able to speak. It was like my vocal cords had ceased to function. However, even though he had yet never heard my voice, my brother hadn't pressured me to respond. He was the first to not give up on me or force me. Just for that reason, I decided to give him some credit. It wasn't trust -- I didn't have any of that left to give -- but more some kind of reprieve. As long as he remained like he was, I would agree to follow him without complaining.

The city passed through the windows of the car, and I watched the colors blur together absentmindedly. I was so tired. Exhausted, as if I was a thousand years old, instead of just sixteen and a few days. The wheel was on the left side of the car, as per usual, but I knew that in England they drove on the other side of the road. That meant that either he possessed cars for different countries, or he rented a car here, and was wealthy enough to choose such an expensive one.

"We will be on the roads for around forty minutes." said Charles, sending a quick look my way. "You can sleep if you want." he added as an afterthought, his voice slightly softer.His green eyes were mesmerizing.

I didn't say anything, instead, I slipped off my shoes and brought my knees to my chest, curling up on the seat. Sleep was a foreign concept to me. Every time I closed my eyes, I saw the dead bodies of my loved ones. But I rested my cheek on my bent knees, looking through the window. Forcing my mind to rest, by focusing on the scenery instead of my deadly thoughts.

The length of the journey was no surprise to me. I lived in the french countryside, and the cities were far from each other.

"We can go and get your things now, or go to the hotel, as you wish."

His words made me raise my head in panic. I wasn't ready. I couldn't go home, not if they weren't there. I wouldn't bear it. Since the dreadful news, I had tried my best to shut down all emotions. It was the best thing to do if I wanted to survive. But, going into that sanctuary full of our memories... I would break down, for sure.

"Straight to the hotel it is, then." I couldn't be more grateful for the ability he seemed to have to understand me.

I nodded slightly. This stranger had been nothing but understanding and respectful since our encounter, and somehow, I wanted to make an effort to show him how grateful I was for that. After all, even though I was supposedly his sister, he wasn't obligated to take me in. He had probably better things to do than coming here, in this lost area of France, to pick up a poor lost teen. Hell, I didn't even know he existed, he could have easily acted as if he wasn't aware either. But he didn't, and even if I wasn't able to talk right now, I could at least try and show him I was listening to what he said. It wasn't much, but it was everything I had to give at the moment.

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