Chapter Four

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The hours flew by. Class with Head Maid Greta wasn't as gruelling as I thought it'd be. It was actually quite a breeze, and I hadn't even realised it was 6 PM until Greta glanced towards the clock on the wall and dismissed me. Now, I'm trekking down the torch-lit halls, searching for the landmarks I'd marked when coming here. A silver vase. A tapestry with two embroidered snakes. A golden trinket. I can't help but feel proud of myself when I turn a corner into a familiar corridor of black-painted doors. It'll certainly be good to memorize my way around here.

I find door 52B and push it open. Inside, I see Macy tugging on her boots, dressed in what I can only assume is the maid's uniform. It's much different to what the maids wore in our estate. Instead of a black skirt and a white petticoat, this uniform only requires black dress pants. The shirt is a black blouse, with the silver Gahndor sigil embroidered on the breast. As soon as she sees me, she stands and rushes over, seeming to no longer care for the fact that her laces are untied.

"How was it? Did Greta go over everything?"

I give her a slow nod. "Yeah, she taught me... a lot. I think I have the important aspects down, at least."

Macy squeals and grabs my hands. "That's great! I'm sure you'll make a wonderful maid. I wouldn't be surprised if they promote you to a higher position. Did you know higher positions can choose what they want to do? I know I would work in the gardens if I could."

I smile at her. That wouldn't be so bad. At least then I wouldn't be waiting at someone's feet for orders; I could tend flowers instead.

And then I realise that this girl just made me have a positive view on maid work for the first time since I'd become one. It's enough to convince me I could definitely get used to Macy's company.

Macy drops my hands and casts a backwards glance towards the window, where the sun sinks below the horizon. "It's six... so the opening ceremony would be over by now. The First Feast is starting soon, though. Greta told you the arrangement, yes?"

I nod. Right before I'd left, Greta had pulled me aside and told me my first task would be to serve at the First Feast, where the ladies of the Queenstrial would dine with the royal family. In the meantime, Macy would prepare the room for the girl we'd been assigned to.

Still, I can't help but dread it. Though I had managed to miss the Opening ceremony – something I had taken great comfort in – I would now have to serve the girls that would have been my competitors, had Mother not pulled me out of the competition. I just knew a smirking Althea would be waiting for me at the table.

I exhale a sigh. It's not like I have a choice. So, I plaster a wide smile on my face and trot over to my bed, where an outfit similar to Macy's is spread upon the sheets.

"Do you know whom we're assigned to yet?"

"Yes," Macy answers. "Gertrude Cliffgard. I can't wait!"

I pause as I reach for the blouse. I've met the Cliffgards before. Our family dined with them on many occasions, with their three sons and eldest daughter, Gertrude. I'd never spoken to Gertrude personally, but with the way she glared at my sisters and ignored her own parents when they asked her questions, it was obvious manners weren't her top priority.

Still, I wasn't about to be a killjoy and tell Macy that. Besides, the last time we'd met with the Cliffgards was three years ago. Maybe Gertrude has turned a new leaf.

That is a heavy maybe.

"Oh, how interesting," is my short response. With deft fingers, I undress myself and slip into the uniform. It's uncomfortably tight around my rear, and the shirt's material feels like sandpaper against my skin. Still, I try to ignore the discomfort as I pull on the black leather boots and die the laces into a firm knot.

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