Chapter 31

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The halls of the palace are surprisingly quiet at noon. I suppose it's because people are out in the grounds or working away in the castle's innards, keeping this place alive. It's odd to think I'm probably one of the only few people here who has so much free time.

We agreed to meet at staggered times to avert suspicion. Alex, followed by Kairi and then me. I'd given Kairi instructions on how to find the archives in the library, and now I just have to hope she finds it. Though, given her sharpness, I doubt she would have missed any of the landmarks I told her to watch out for.

I suppress a shudder as I walk under the haphazard bookshelves leading to the archives, feeling as though I'm being boxed in by three walls. I scouted the library three times to ensure I wasn't being watched, but there is only so much you can do to ensure you are not being followed. And I sure as hell hope no one follows us in here.

When I make it into the dimly lit room, it takes my eyes a moment to adjust. It's exactly how I remember it – a large table in the centre of the room, bookcases lining every inch of walls, and black sconces that flicker with low-burning flames. Kairi and Alex sit at the table, talking in hushed tones. They go silent as I enter, Kairi sagging imperceptibly with relief. If I had to guess, the introvert in Kairi is struggling to keep up with Alex's extraverted nature, and I suppose my getting here means she no longer has to carry the burden of being social.

I get it, girl.

I go over to the vacant seat between them and sit.

"So, any leads?" I ask.

Alex grins. "Yes, actually. I was just telling Kairi here that I overheard a conversation between two other guards. Apparently, there will be a meeting between the king and his council tomorrow at sundown. We could use that as an opportunity to eavesdrop on their plans."

I sit up. "That's... very convenient. Do you know where they're going to meet?"

"In the king's council chambers, I believe," Alex supplies.

I grin like an idiot. "Perfect."

Alex cocks a blonde brow. "How so? As far as I know, there's no easy way to spy on the king. He keeps that chamber locked up tight."

"Oh, there is. There's a tunnel that runs up along the walls and spits you out into the rafters. I could spy from there. I've done it before."

Alex's eyes virtually bug out of his head. "Seriously?"

"Yeah." I can't help but take a little satisfaction in their shocked expressions. That's right, I spied on the fucking King of Raelia.

Kairi sits up. "That makes things a lot easier. Naomi, could you spy again?"

I nod, chewing my lip. Though successfully spying on the king has become a sort of bragging right for me, the thought of doing it again makes me a little nervous.

"Sounds solid. Where is the entrance to this tunnel located?" Alex asks.

"In one of the abandoned rooms of the north wing. It's hidden behind a wooden panel. I can show you tomorrow."

Alex nods. For a few moments, he considers. "Alright, how about this. Naomi, you go up there ten minutes before sundown as we said, and I'll be waiting for you in that abandoned room. Then we all rendezvous here again at around nine that night and discuss our findings. From there, we can flesh out our plan of attack. Does that sound good?"

I nod, the tension in my body easing a fraction. He makes it sound so easy – perhaps easier than it really is – but I'm willing to take any comfort I can get. Kairi, however, is staring at Alex strangely. Her brows are drawn low, and her lips are set in a tight line. She opens her mouth to say something when a foreign voice joins in.

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