Chapter Seven (a)

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There's a strange buzz in the maids' hall. Girls hop in and out of each other's rooms, giggling and talking excitedly. I've noticed this vibe not just in these quarters, but also throughout the rest of the kingdom. Even during breakfast this morning, I noticed a similar buzz in the air.

I suppose I see why. The first round of the tournament is happening today, which also marks my first week as a maid.

I stroll down the halls wrapped in a white towel, feeling fresh from my morning shower, I can't help but let my mind drift. Throughout the training sessions, I've paid more attention to Jade and Althea than I have to Gertrude. Though I am rooting for Jade, I know Althea will absolutely breeze the competition no matter whom she is pitted against. Althea's always been the strongest and, unlike Jade, has the heart to kill. I was hoping that maybe her standing up to Gertrude had indicated a change in her heart, but the smirk she shot me the next day told me nothing had changed at all.

I find my room and let myself inside. Macy is standing before her dresser, staring into the mirror as she applies makeup to her face. Her eyes slide to me and she smiles, one which I return. Macy and I have grown impeccably close these past few days, though that probably has something to do with the fact that Gertrude is becoming harder to handle. It's as though we're being brought closer together in a bad situation, and I'm glad for it. I'm not sure I could put up with Gertrude were it not for Macy by my side.

"I laid your uniform out on your bed," she says.

"Thanks," I say, and make for the neat pile of clothes on my bed. As I tug my uniform on, I find myself staring at Macy's left leg, covered by her black pants and elevated slightly off the floor. I haven't seen what Macy's leg looks like yet, though part of me is dying to know. I've noticed certain patterns with her limp, like how it becomes more severe in the cold or after a day's hard work.

I look up to Macy, who smiles slightly as she continued to apply her eyeshadow. Her dark skin glows in the morning light that filters in through the window, as do her black curls.

I know it's not my place to ask, but I feel like I've gotten to know Macy well enough to try. If anything, I'd even consider her my... friend.

Friend. What a strange term to use on someone. I don't think I've ever had an actual friend before, aside from maybe Sarah. Then again, that wasn't exactly a friendship.

So, before I lose my nerve, I ask, "What happened to your leg, Macy? Why do you have a limp?"

Macy's makeup brush stills on her face. I worry I've asked an inappropriate question until Macy turns to me, a sad smile on her face.

"I was wondering when you were going to ask that." She sets down her makeup brushes and limps over to me, until she's standing just several feet away. "It's... a long story. But I've had it for years now, so I'm used to it. Want to see it?"

I pause, and then nod. This feels intimate for some reason, like a special secret Macy is only willing to share with me.

With that solemn smile, she tugs on her pyjama pants to reveal what it behind it.

I have to cover my mouth to hold in my gasp. I've never seen such a severe injury on anyone, and I've seen my fair share of broken bones and mangled bodies.

Her leg looks like the twisted trunk of a tree. It's as though someone grabbed her ankle and knee and just... twisted. It bends in several areas, the skin marred pale scars and bumpy flesh. At one point along her shin, it almost looks like the bone is jutting out, covered by just a thin layer of skin. Her foot, miraculously, is only pointed slightly off centre.

My shock must show on my face, because Macy laughs. "I know. It's bad, isn't it?"

"No... no!" It's just, I— I'm sorry." I shake my head. Macy just laughs again.

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