Chapter 17 - Back To The Beginning

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We headed out a little before noon, and by the time we got there it was already after 1:00. I was quietly concerned about how fast we might lose daylight out here, but Jack reassured me that even if I couldn't see, he could still navigate in the dark. I guess only being able to see in static also means day and night don't really matter.

Yet another thing to add to the 'Weird things about Jack' list I've made.

One thing about Jack's old campus caught my attention right away, though; the fact that it had been burned. Nearly all of it was singed or broken, only the structure and bones of the building were left standing. Most of the walls were up, save for the ones inside.

Everything had a layer of soot and ash. You'd think a place that looked so clearly abandoned would have a bunch of graffiti on it but no, it was kinda eerie that it didn't have any outside markings at all. Honestly, it reminded me of that building Jack kept me in for so long. That one didn't have tags on it either. It's like both of these places aren't allowed to be touched by outside hands or something. It only adds to the uneasy feeling growing within me.

...Honestly what do we even do? With Jack's vision being the way it is, I assume he can only find things that are shaped oddly. I mean, he's looking hard nonetheless. I just feel so lost. I've never been part of a mystery like this. I don't know how to go about it.

I turn to Jack, who's looking a lot calmer than I was expecting. He heads in first and starts moving around rubble and looking through anything he can find. I take it upon myself to look over any papers that have been scattered around, since I'm the only one here who can read them. Nothing even remotely helpful here. Most of it's either so burned that you can't read it, or if it is intact it's just about mundane things like the school newspaper. I don't even see any administrative files here, which does feel incredibly strange. Even if there was a fire that destroyed most of the things here, wouldn't there be at least some important paperwork that survived? The longer we sit here searching the more uneasy I feel. It's like someone intentionally got rid of the important stuff then used the fire as a cover.

We spent a few more hours looking, and came up with absolutely nothing. Well, nothing but a hunch that this fire was lit on purpose. Jack and I both agreed. From the outside looking in, it's a normal fire; but with the context we have it's shocking how intentional this all felt. There's nothing here. There was never going to be anything here. The only option we have now is the cave, and something in me says that someone wanted it that way.

With deflated spirits and twilight seeping in soon, we begrudgingly head to the cave.

Jack stands motionless at the entrance, that grinding I hear on occasion rings out, along with a high pitched static ring. I know that sound by now. He's upset, maybe even scared. Even through his clothes I can see Jack's body tremble. He's shaking like a leaf. Usually he seems stiff and strong, steady as stone. But right now? Right now he looks delicate as paper, as if he's about to fold in on himself.

Ah, so he is scared.

I reach out and grab his hand, lacing my fingers between his talons. His attention finally breaks away from the gaping, endless shadows of the cave's entrance and snaps towards me. Even though I can't see his expression, something tells me there was a softness to his gaze, a tenderness he hasn't felt in a long time.

"I'm right here. You're not alone this time." I say, pushing down my own fear as I give him a little smile. His shoulders relax just enough that he's able to breathe again. He squeezes my hand, as gently as he possibly can, like he knows how easily he could break me. He then gives me a very soft nod. I take the first step with Jack trailing behind, his hand refusing to let go.

FIREFLIES - Eyeless Jack X ReaderKde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat