Chapter 4 - Please Stay

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Two days have passed, I think. I don't have a clock, so the sun rising and setting was the only indication I had of passing time. I hadn't slept at all since I first woke up here, and I could feel it taking its toll on me. That's probably why my judgment of time is already so out of whack.

I've never felt so bored in my life. Staring at the walls or ceiling gets dull much faster than you'd imagine, and listening to the birds while watching the trees move can only entertain me for so long. After an hour, it's all the same. I'm just left here, trapped, restless, and frustrated beyond all belief.

God, I wish I had my medicine. At least then I could pass time by sleeping.

Every so often, after (I assume, a handful of hours) passed and the man-er, Eyeless Jack, I guess? He'd come in and give me the same mush in a bowl. He'd also do things like check the solution dripping from my IV and poke at my arm to check...Something, I don't know.

Earlier this morning the IV solution ran out and he removed the tube from my arm. About 20 minutes later it regained feeling. So, at least I'm not numb anymore.

It's never felt so good to ball my hand into a fist before.

It's strange, thinking about how fast this became routine. He comes in, brings food, checks something, leaves.

This time though, he did something a little different. He brought a bottle of water in with him. And as soon as I saw it I grasped at it with my now liberated hand, nearly tearing it from his fingertips. He seldom had time to reach the recliner before I already downed half of it. My previously desert throat was suddenly blessed with the purest river to ever spring from creation. It was gone much faster than I wanted it to be. I suppose it's better than nothing, but it certainly isn't enough.

I look back to my captor with a thoughtful gaze. He didn't spend much time here with me, now that I think about it.

Usually, he'd stay just long enough for me to finish eating, then he'd leave right away like he was trying to keep his distance. And that was it. I'd be all alone and bored out of my mind until he came back with more food. No entertainment, no one to talk to, nothing to keep my brain from growing cobwebs.

The only time I was allowed to stand was when he led me to a door on the other side of the room where a toilet hid, and even then he hovered outside the door the entire time.

It was driving me insane, truly. I was actually beginning to look forward to bathroom breaks! Y'know how sad that is? To be excited by the opportunity to poop? I shouldn't be so giddy to sit on a toilet while a masked man stands outside the door the whole time!! >:T

But today, I had a sinking feeling that it would be different. I felt the urge slowly wear me down and tear me apart, until I was left with no choice but to cooperate with its demands. I was gonna ask the biggest question that had been scratching at the back of my mind for days now. Logically, I know I shouldn't do anything to upset him. But, truly, I am a slave to my curiosity.

Eyeless Jack handed me the bowl of mush right after I finished furiously drinking the water. Finally! I get to eat on my own! Right away I shoveled three big spoonfuls into my mouth and swallowed it down eagerly.

He still sat in the chair, though. Just watching me, waiting until I finished. Part of me felt like he was waiting to see if I'd actually eat it, or if he was stuck spoon-feeding me like an infant.

I stared down the bowl, stirring the mush with the provided plastic spoon. (I guess he didn't like the idea of me having metal utensils now that my hand was free.)

I would've kept eating, but my growing urge to ask this uneasy question only left a foul taste in my mouth. I began second guessing my decision as a result. My appetite was stolen away, now replaced by burning curiosity.

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