Chapter 18 - Consequence

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I shuffle backwards, startled by the change in him. I take one step and he takes two. He's not going to let me leave so easily, but I have to get out of here! I roll my body so that I'm on all fours rather than sitting on my ass. I move to get my feet beneath me, to run and make my escape, but a thought compels me to freeze halfway through the motion.

What happens if I do leave him? Will he stay like this forever? Will he end up like The Rake? Will he truly become a monster?

He gave me my freedom back.

He gave me the chance to speak to Adiyah again.

He put himself at risk time and time again to help me, to save me.

Am I really going to turn my back on him now?

Am I the type of person who leaves my friends when they need me most?

I rise to my feet and straighten myself out, the thought of running no longer the forefront of my mind. I hear Jack behind me, shuffling closer, but not actually closing the distance. The sinister laughter still echoes all around me. The deep, morbid voice sends a wicked chill dancing up the skin of my arms.

My chest is tight, but...I'm not scared, am I?

That's right. I'm not scared.

This is Jack we're talking about. He's a weirdo, sure, but he won't hurt me. Not unless someone forced him to.

I promised I'd help him. I promised I'd fix this curse bullshit, and dammit I meant it!

"The Jack I know is gentle." I turn to face Jack, moving slowly so that I don't accidentally set him off. The laughter fades from raucous sadism to baited intrigue. Jack lunges, but I refuse to flinch. His claws nick my arm and draw a little blood, but I don't react.

The blood triggers something, something that sends him into what can best be described as a frenzy. He takes a step back to better position himself for a hunt, then he launches himself at me. When he lunges forward I duck under his arms, my momentum carrying me forward. I slide myself beneath his reach and cling to his torso, my arms latch round his horribly broken neck. I hold on for dear life, hugging him and refusing to let go.

He goes motionless.

"I refuse to be afraid of you, Jack!" I glare forward, sending daggers onto both the book and the smoke. The laughter picks up again, full force this time. Wicked giggles erupt into a howling cackle.

"Oh? This is a first! You 'refuse' to be afraid of him? Even when he's become a monster?" The voice turns its attention to me as Jack calms in my hold. It seems whatever this 'god' was doing to compel Jack has been abandoned, in favor of pestering me.

"He's NOT a monster!" I snap, pulling Jack even closer. He just sits in my arms like a tame little puppy.

"You're the one who made him this way! He has no choice! He's had no choice!" I shout, staring down the smoke matrixing up on the

ceiling. The laughter erupts again, apparently amused by my answer.

"Ahh, it's been a while since someone piqued my interest so much. Not since he was still human." The voice was clearly referring to Jack. Its disregard for its own cruelty leaves me sick to the stomach and with the urge to vomit.

"Since I find you so amusing, I'll give you a choice. Leave him as he is, and you can walk free. There'll be no harm to you, and you can continue your life as you were before any of this started. OR-" It paused to let out another rolling wave of barely subdued giggles.

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