Part 13

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I'm losing hope of ever finding Rosalie, my depression increases each day.

Bailey reminds me not to give up, that our baby need me. She tells me it's time to give her name and stop calling her baby, Rosalie would want that.

I know she's right, but I just can't bring myself to do it. It feels like I would be admitting that I won't ever find Rosalie.

I'm at a loss of where to keep looking. I walk or drive around all day with our baby hoping to see something or someone that will lead me to her.

The baby has grown so much and I wonder if Rosalie knows she's safe.

The day I decide to move us back into my home is a cold November afternoon.
I leave baby with Bailey and go to the store for new paint. I want Rosalie to come home to a nice nursery she can spend time in with our little girl.

I keep the room fairly gender neutral, painting the walls white and a soft grey then adding some color with cute farm animals on the walls and a pink rug in the middle of the room.

I throw a pink blanket over the rocking chair and pink sheets on the mattress of the crib and changing table.

Just as I'm about to leave I hear the front door open. I quietly leave the room and see a masked man with a gun sneaking through the house.

I pull out my gun and watch as he looks around. I step around the corner just as he turns his back to me.

"Put your hands up and turn around slowly." I order.

The man freezes for a moment before turning quickly, firing a shot and then running out the door.

I fire back grazing the man's arm just as he reaches his truck.

I curse myself for parking around back and hurry to my car. I follow him for about five miles before I lose sight of him.

Pulling over and punch my steering wheel in frustration, then pull out my phone to call it in.

I call Bailey next, thankfully Josh is with her and baby.

"I need you guys to take baby and go stay in a hotel for the night."

"What happened? Is everything ok?" She asks.

"Someone broke into my house, I followed him about five miles south before I lost him. I'm not sure what he was looking for but I want you to get away just to be safe."

"We can do that. Call if you need anything." Josh answers.

"Thanks, I will."

I hang up and head back to my house hoping the masked man left something behind to help identify him

His Little Flower (18+) (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now