Chapter 3.

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*"Guy where's your babe?"*


I sighed and he continued.
"She has accommodated this illness for a long time and she didn't complain and you too, why don't you have months for family check up or something?"
He's our family doctor and my friend so he could question me. I shook my head as I  listened to all he had to say and thanked him. I paid the necessary bills and went to my daughter.

***Josh's POV

Jossy wasn't in class all day. She didn't call or leave a message if something came up. I wasn't all worried. Maybe she decided to skip school today which is very unusual. I got home late. I had lessons at school and couldn't stop by at her house. I sent some messages on WhatsApp and called but no reply, no response. I called her Dad but he didn't pick up, called only once though. I was getting really worried. I tried her number again but it wasn't going through.
The next day, I didn't go to her house that morning because, I thought I would see her in school. But it was the same. During break, I was in class reading one of our literature novel when Priscilla our class mate, walked to my seat and asked,
"Guy where is your babe? I noticed how bored you've been since yesterday and how you paid less attention in class today."

"Yes that's true" Ikenna continued. "I've never seen you this way. What's up?" He raised his brows.

" You see guys I'm not in the mood to talk now." I complained. Why should Young people be so nosy I thought...
"C'mon you should at least look at us first and then look for what to keep you alive rather than just sitting there." Priscilla said as she collected the novel and rolled her eyes. I've always known Priscilla to be a persistent trouble maker. She never gave up till she got what she wanted. I liked her for that. She's smart too and pretty. I rolled my eyes and asked.
"What exactly do you pests want?"
"Let me get you something to eat first, you can leave Ikenna, he has other business to handle." She narrowed her gaze towards that one and he smiled and left. She took me to the food vendor and we got snacks and soft drinks. We both went to the school garden and sat there. We talked and with time, I slept on her shoulder.

***Priscilla's POV

I've known Josh and Jossy since Ss1. I noticed the chemistry. Wanted to join their crib but I didn't, I don't know why I just didn't feel the need to...

>>> He slept on my shoulder and I could feel something was bothering him. I got busy with my books. We stayed in the garden till it was closing hour. I woke him up and he was grateful for my time, but he left immediately.

***Josh's POV

I dozed off. Her company was super. Immediately I got up I left. I got to the class, gathered my belongings and headed straight to Jossy's. Getting to her place. I saw Ann. The helper.
"Good afternoon Aunty, please is Jossy home?"  I asked calmly.
"Hello Josh, Jossy..."
"Go inside Ann." a stern voice interrupted. I turned and saw Mr Phillips.
"Get into the car, I'll take you to Jossy"
"Wait! what? whe..."
"You want to see her?" I nodded. "Then don't ask too many questions". Sincerely I just wanted to scream or maybe punch him because the suspense was too high. I needed to know where my best friend was and here's her dad acting like the kidnapper. The drive was a very quiet one. I was choking up in tears that I couldn't shed.
We got to the hospital and I choked even more. I imagined she got into an accident but then, her dad wasn't panicking or injured. We walked to ward 11. I met her sleeping
"What the...?" I mouthed.
I rushed towards her and touched her forehead, examining her as, tears threatened to drop by gathering in my eyes. I only got more tensed and chewed on my teeth. This is how close we are. I couldn't bare seeing her in pain whatsoever and she too. Her dad knew this so he wasn't surprised. I looked at her and blamed my self for not being with her. This is insane!! She was fine 2 days ago, why the drip and even worse, hospital. But something caught my attention. She held the pendant I gave to her like she depending on it. I held her hand and whispered, "I promise...I promise I'll never leave your sight." then I put my head on her hand.
"Pinky swear". I raised my head on hearing that. Jossy was awake.

***Jossy's POV

Tuesday evening I woke up in the hospital bed still dizzy. My dad was there with me. He helped me sit upright and gave me a glass of water. He scolded me for leaving the house by deceit and was still thankful I did because if I had passed out in my room, no one would have known...
The next day, at the hospital, dad brought my books, food and fruits; no snacks for now... When Josh came, I was asleep but not on any sedatives. His tear was warm and real; filled with so much affection and that was what woke me up, I am not sure he was aware a little tear dropped. I still pretended to be asleep when I heard "I promise I will..."
I was teary already and wanted a "Pinky promise". A Pinky swear was something we did when we were much younger just to ensure one doesn't break ones promise. He looked at me and smiled. He interlocked his pinky finger with mine and said,
"Pinky swear". We both laughed and I sat up. Dad was there all through watching our drama. He just smiled and said,
"I'll leave you two alone." Immediately he left, this awkward silence was about to set I when I said,
"So you missed me huh? Just a day and you can't leave without me eyy?" I gave a smirk. He just stared and I stared back too. "What's up? You seeing a ghost or something?" He was still quiet then he got up and moved close to me still we a stare. My heart was starting to race for a reason unknown to me. He inched closer, leaving nothing but a distance of breath between us. Like we were sharing the same air, my own heart was running all crazy. I wore a hoodie cardigan and a leggings. His thumb slowly glided across the bare skin of my waist as his hand inched under my cardigan. My breath took a pause and my heart was running too hard in anticipation. He pulled me closer, so close that our lips were almost touching then I closed my eyes dying for his attention. Then he left me and said,
"That's how much I miss you but I guess you miss me more." I opened my eyes and saw he already sat and he had that devilish smile on.
"Oh shit!!! Did I fall for that?" I banged my forehead as I thought. He just sat there and laughed. I looked at him for a while and said, "I'll get back at you trust me." He raised an eyebrow and winked and we both laughed. I haven't kissed before but he has though. We talked for hours and even when the doctor came and I took my drugs, he was still there. When it was late dad came and took him home and I slept afterwards. I was discharged 2 days after. Resumed school, wrote out final exams, stayed for a month and our results were out. I got distinctions and 2b's. Josh got Distinctions and 2b's too. El and Lil passed too. A week later, I went to Josh's place. His mom welcomed me warmly and his siblings too. His father was out for work.

"Sooo when...

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