Chapter 11.

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*Starting a new home.*

"Have you by any chance lost your senses? I lost Jossy 6 months ago. My daughter whom I loved with my whole life and you say looking for my biological daughter is moving too fast?" I was clearly angry at that moment and could see the fear in her eyes. I sighed, I was being too angry these days and I was letting it get the better of me.
"Listen, I'm sorry. I don't want to be rude to you. Just be ready in 3 days okay?" I corrected.
"Mm." She sniffed. She also felt bad for what she did and also, the fact she took Jossy as her daughter just to make her leave again.
"I'm sorry, Sandra." I said as I walked to her and hugged her.
"I love Jossy too and I really want to see my daughter also." She said calmly, sniffing.
"I understand that, I'm sorry okay. No more yelling, I promise." I kissed her hair taking her scent in. I still loved her, very much.
"I'm coming too." Josh said bringing me back.
"Are you sure?"
"Two hundred percent." He guaranteed. "I really need to see her." He added.
"Fine then just be ready in 3days." I replied him and adjusted.

We got to Nigeria and after relaxing for 2days, we went to the orphanage. I stayed back in the car with Josh.

**Sandra's POV
"You should go and get things done inside." Tony said.
"I will, I hope they don't take much time."
"I hope so too." He told me and I proceeded.
I went in the orphanage and luckily the owner was around.
"Good day madam Jane."
"Good day to you too? How may I help you?"
"Jane, don't tell me you don't recognize me?" Jane stared at me for a while.
"Did I really change that much?"
I smirked and Jane screamed, "Sandra! Wow wow it's been years." She hugged me.
"Yeah it's been a while."
"A while?? Come on it's been up to 20 years."
"Has it been that long?" I said in sarcasm and laugh.
"Ah ah!! Even the accent too has changed!" She said clapping. "Nawa for Obodo oyibo o." She added in pidgin and I laughed heartily.
"You haven't changed Jane. Always teasing!" I smiled at her.
"I'm really happy to see you today." She said and hugged me again. "How are things over there now? Work and all?"
"Very well, thank you. How is here too?"
"We thank God o." She replied. She offered me a seat and when we both relaxed, I went straight to business.
"Yeah speaking of 20 years. I'm here for a favour."
"Go on..."
"My child, my daughter..." She looked at me in awe. I continued anyway.
"I want my daughter. The one I left here years ago please."
"Sandra you've got to be joking. After 20 years you come ask for a child you didn't have plans of taking care of?" One thing with Jane, she was a very straight forward person and was a good explanation to, "there is time for everything."
"But I said I'd come back for her when I was stable." I defended.
"Well, welcome back." She replied sarcastically.
"Yeah I know all that Jane, don't remind me. Is she still here?"
"I'm afraid not Sandra, I assume she has been adopted, we have just few older kids at this orphanage and none seem to be her. She has been adopted."
"What am I going to tell Tony? Uhm can i maybe know the family that adopted her, maybe some kind of documentation."
"I'm not sure I can do that for you.  It's been so long Sandra, do you know how many kids get adopted each year?"
"Please try, for old times sake?"
"I'll have a look." She began searching.

***Tony's POV(Mr Phillips).

I waited outside with Josh. I personally was loosing my patience. I called Sandra and she wasn't responding...

I left her, with the impression of her being busy. I lost my patience finally and Josh and I went in. I was eager.
We both entered the reception and cool enough, I knew the owner.
"Jane." I extended my hand for a handshake.
"Oh wow Mr Phillips, so nice to see you. How are you doing and how is Jossy?"
"Hm, I'm good. How are you?"
"I'm very well." I turned to Sandra and raised an eyebrow to know what's up. She only shook her head.
Jane said.
"I see you both came together?"
"Yes we did." I replied.
"Well Sandra I see God has his own ways of doing things. This is the man who adopted your daughter. Mr Phillips."
"WHAT!!!!!?" Josh, Jane and I screamed.
"Wait Jane you must be mistaken. We are talking about Jossy here." I questioned all perplexed.
"Yes I know I'm not meant to disclose certain information but she's my close friend and like you said you guys came together. Sandra left Jossy here 1month old and you adopted her at the age of 1." Jane explained and I was shocked beyond measures.

Sincerely, I didn't know if I should be happy or sad. I lived with my daughter all my life and had no idea. And she stayed with her mother and no one had a clue? Josh was indeed surprised. We collected some papers of when Sandra left the child and when I adopted her. The next week, we left for New York.

**Jossy's POV

I stayed in Singapore for 6months after which I visited London just for a month and then go back to Singapore. I wasn't really a threat but I was avoided because I didn't take shit from people. I avoided everything that reminded me of my past...
I didn't forget them them completely but I needed space. Two weeks in London, I decided to go to the club. I wore a short black sleeveless gown with black leather gloves. There i was just calm. I didn't drink I just wanted to look around. Watching the dancers and all. A guy walked up to me for a dance. I told him I wasn't interested and he left. Then he came back again, this time I was standing and talking to the bartender.
"Hello princess, (he burped) I'm here again. Can I have a dance now?"
"No you can't please go." I wasn't rude i was only stern. I turned and faced the bartender and we continued conversing. Then the dude tapped my butt. I was calm at first and turned to ask him to stop whatever mischief he was planning. Actually I pitied his drunken state. As I turned, he grabbed my boobs and fell to kiss me then I lost it. I took a wine bottle and smashed on his head. He dropped and Loud screams followed.
"Fuck JOSSY!?" A voice shouted. I recognized that voice and turned to see Josh.
"God why himm!!?" I said and ran out the exit.

***Josh's POV

When we got to New York, I told Mr Phillips I was leaving the next day. I already made my papers. I went to the club and met Jossy. At first I thought I was hallucinating because I didn't ever think I'll see her and in a club too and she had a tattoo! I went closer and watched the scene with the guy and how she smashed the bottle on his head that was when her whole appearance became clear to me and I called her. When she turned I saw the Pendant. That one pendant from her 16th birthday. Shocked she still had it and even wore it?

Masked Scars(The Beginning)On viuen les histories. Descobreix ara