Chapter 16.

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*Jossy came back*

I wasn't bothered about Jossy's sudden silence because I knew she was okay. Besides she's a grown adult. June 23rd her birthday, she came back home. I told her parents to throw a small party even though they weren't sure she would be back. She's going to be 22.
"What do you mean throwing a party for someone we don't know her whereabouts." Mr Phillips asked furious.
"Today is her birthday and she'll come back today."
"I can't believe how dumbly annoying you can be Josh. Or have you started drinking?"
I started laughing .
"Aunty talk to him."
"What do you expect me to say. I don't believe you either."
"Oh Jeez! Can you just trust me this once please. I know Jossy too well she always wants to surprise people but I want the tables to turn around."
"I'll do it but if she doesn't show up then..." Sandra said.
"Nothing will happen she will."
The preparation was done but in a very small way. They spent less just Incase she didn't show up. I bought her a Pearl ring not for marriage in any case.
5:55pm and she wasn't back. Sandra and Mr Phillips always glanced at me with annoyance. I just chuckled and continued with my phone. 6pm on the dot, Jossy walked in. She was surprised at the decoration and her parents were surprised I was right.
"Jossy!!" Both parents screamed as they ran to hug her.
"Did you know I was coming?" Jossy asked still surprised.
"Happy birthday Jossy! This was all Josh's plan. He made us do all this deco saying you would definitely come back today." Sandra said.

"Why must you always spoil my surprises!!" I laughed and didn't reply. She walked to me, hugged me and planted that ever wanted kiss on my lips.
"I missed you a lot." I told her.
"Me too."
"Mm we are still here." Mr Phillips said. Hearing that, I let her go and we both adjusted. We cut the cake and the rest of the day went fine, I didn't give her the ring, I forgot to.
During the weak, we went to Fordham for her certificate. She was required to go for some years of training as a cardiologist.

***Jossy's POV

Josh and I were in the laundry room. I was folding laundry while he sat and watched. Mom and dad went out.
"I'll start in 2months." I said as we discussed my training.
"My decision."
"Don't get annoying Josh I'll start in 2 months and that's it."
"Soo in that 2 months what would you be doing?" He said holding my waist and kissing my neck.
"You never seize an opportunity to go all nasty." I chuckled.
"You make me always want to be nasty."
"Can I be done with this first?"
"No or better still you can attend to me and the laundry." He said kissing my lips and placing me gently on a table in the laundry room. He was getting all aggressive and out tongues played like 2 children in water. I was getting all breathless but I didn't mind. He didn't even give a chance. We both went to the room and inside the shower. I wore a nylon shirt with Shorts and he was in singlet and joggers. He turned on the shower and we got busy. His hands going here and there. I moaned at every moment and he didn't surpress it. I wanted him there...

**Josh's POV

I wanted her but I didn't want to force her into anything. I figured she wanted me when her hands went to my Prince and that demon wanted to devour. That was a massive turn on for me but I managed to keep my cool until she moaned,
"Josh I need you now!" I lost it! We both got out of the bathroom and on the bed I took down her shorts revealing her linens and while taking down mine, the door bell rang.
"Ding dong"
The whole fun was destroyed at that point.
"Gosh! Why now!!" We both laughed.
"Freshen up let me go get the door."
"With your wet body huh?"
"Toss me a towel then." She did and I went to get the door. It was her parents.
"We are going out for icecream." Mr Phillips said. "You both should be ready in an hour."
"Where's Jossy?"
"You Two!! Just don't act funny." He said tapping my shoulder. I laughed. 'If only he knew'.
We got ready and by 7 we were out. We had our icecream and other Junk. We were one big family finally happy together, finally. It was all I dreamed of and all JoJo wanted. To be happy and contented with the best family complete, with both dad and Mom. And for me, to be happy and at peace with best friend whom I am head over heels in love with.

It was 11pm and we headed home. Tony and Sandra stayed in to pay the bills while Jossy and I went out to wait for them.

***Jossy's POV

I really had fun tonight. being together with the people I loved the most is all I ever wanted. Josh and I were walking towards the car when a dirty looking grown up who clearly looked like he hadn't bathed in 2 days showed up in front of us with a gun.
"This is where it ends Jossy!"
"DAVE!??!" He pulled the trigger. I screamed but I didn't feel any pain. Josh took the bullet. Seeing Josh on the ground all lifeless groaning in pain, I pulled out my Gun and Shot Dave all over almost a thousand times. He died on the spot. I dropped and placed Josh's head on my lap. I was broken I cried so much.
"Josh stay with me. I promise nothing is going to happen to you."
"Jossy all I wanted for you was for you to be happy and you got it now."
"Don't say that Josh, my happiness lies in you. You are my happiness please don't say anything the ambulance will be here soon and everything will be okay." Mom and dad were out already. They didn't know what transpired.
"Josh!!!!" They both screamed
The ambulance arrived and so did the police. The doctors started attending to Josh immediately he was put in the ambulance. I was about following when one of the Police officers said, "Madam you'll have to come with us to the station."
"What do you mean I'll have to come with you? Can you see my whole world is dying and I have to be with him?"
"Your parents are here. It's just a few statement and you will be taken to see him at the hospital."
I really didn't have that time to talk so I went with them.
After the whole thing at the station. I was taken to the hospital. I was directed to the ER. I saw mom with Dad crying while dad was trying to man up.
"What is going on?" Mom wiped her tears and dad hugged me.
"Where's Josh?" No reply.
"Why is everyone quiet? I said where's Josh?"  The doctor came out.
"Hey Doc how's he?"

Masked Scars(The Beginning)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant