002 long live the yearly dublin trips

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lennon marlowe . . . lennon 🍋
anya murphy . . . murphmallow

lennon 🍋
just got off the plane i'm so excited
to see you!!!

it's been too long 😭😭 hopefully
🙏 we will get to my dads house at
roughly 2pm and then we could go
out for food and drinks??

then we have the whole
summer to do stuff 😁🫡

ahhhh i'm so exited too i've missed
you like crazy!!

how was the journey? did thea
complain the whole time again? 😂

lennon 🍋
surprisingly harry was the worst
lol, but thea was a close second

i played mario kart on the switch
with thea to help distract her from

atleast thea has an excuse, harry
was just bored 😤😤 and it's only
an hour flight?!

if you want to take a day to relax
and sleep i understand, we can
always go for food another day - like
you said we have all summer

lennon 🍋
awww you're too cute, but i think
we all want to stretch our legs and
socialise a bit, plus harper and vinnie
keep saying that they're starving

even though we brought a
bunch of snacks for the plane!!

a bunch of children i swear 😭😭

okay but if you change your
mind let me know

tell everyone i will buy them
all a round of guinness if it helps?

lennon 🍋
you are officially their favourite
person 😂😂

dad said you could stay over anytime
you want aswell, he has 6 people
staying over he doesn't mind another

though he might regret offering when
he realises how loud we all are 💀💀

but you definitely need to come over
for his breakfast tomorrow morning,
he makes a good pancake!!

your dad is a saint 🙏

also he's too nice to complain
you guys are identical

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