016 bad cop worse cop routine

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messages ━━ groupchat
go piss, girl, 10 people

margot wilson . . . mar yo-yo 🪀
thea beckett . . . 3ha
harper adler . . . harpurrr 💅🏻
vincent hudson . . . vincent van hoe
harvey wallace . . . einstein
anya murphy . . . anya banana 🍌
elijah hewson . . . lennon's boyfriend
robert keating . . . bobby the builder 🔨
josh jenkinson . . . hey JJ
ryan mcmahon . . . extraordinary(an)

mar yo-yo 🪀
i have gathered us all here to discuss
something very important!

hey JJ
everything seems to be important
to you guys

yeah you are very passionate about
almost every topic ever

i like to argue when i'm right and
i'm always right so i'm always arguing

anya banana 🍌
it's called having opinions

vincent van hoe
we are emotionally expressive people

bobby the builder 🔨
you spent 2 hours arguing about
wether hotdogs are sandwiches!

harpurrr 💅🏻
they are sandwiches 😌😌

vincent van hoe
and tomato soup is a smoothie

anya banana 🍌
they would call it a sandwich if
that's what it is!! 😤😤

harpurrr 💅🏻
haters gonna hate, shake it
off, taylor swift

mar yo-yo 🪀

this is time it is important!

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this is time it is important!

is it how there's too many guys in the
group now, why couldn't we have met
a girl band?

you guys love us don't lie!

checking my list of acceptable men
and not seeing your name :/

vincent van hoe
and it's a very hard list to get on!
i'd know 😔

hey JJ
feelings = hurt

i love making men mad 😌

it's true, she laughs in my face every
time she insults me . . . which is a lot

Reckless Serenade,     Elijah Hewson Where stories live. Discover now