chapter two

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Grace POV; we get to his big ass house he grabs all the bags. I get Oliver out of the car.

We get inside nobody is here

"they went shopping for a little bit if you want we can go swimming" . He says.

"Swim" Oliver says.

"Alright lets go" Gabriel says going up the stairs.

His room is very clean I put Oliver on the bed start changing him.

After I changed him I got dressed In My swim suit which is a two piece.

"Hey you look beautiful you made that cute little boy with your body" Gabriel says wrapping his arms around my body.

"Cuddles" Oliver says crawling to me.

"Alright let's go swimming" Gabriel says throwing oliver over his shoulder.

I leave my phone on the bed next to Gabriel.

I get outside and Oliver is waiting for me before getting in the pool he knows the rules.

"I thought he liked swimming" Gabriel says.

"He does but we have rules about the pool he isn't allowed in the pool without me" I say getting in.

"Come on bug" I say holding my hands out.

He gets in I swim towards Gabriel

"It warm" Oliver says.

"Does he know how to swim" Gabriel asks.

"Yeah he is in swim lessons" I say letting Oliver go.

1 hour later

"Gabriel we are home" we hear someone yell.

"Mama who dat" Oliver says warping his legs around me.

"That is my family" Gabriel says.

"So this is the lovely lady you always tell me about" someone says.

"Yes this is grace and her son Oliver and that is my mother grace" Gabriel says

"It's nice to meet you" I say.

"It's nice to finally see who stole my little boy heart" she says.

"Dinner will be ready in about 2 hours" she says going back inside.

"Hey wanna go get cleaned up" Gabriel asks.

"Yeah he might take a nap" I say getting out.

Gabriel wraps towels around us

"These stairs lead up to my room so we don't have to go through the kitchen to get upstairs" Gabriel says.

We go up the stairs and get in his room.

"You guys can take a shower in here I will go shower in one of the guest bedroom" Gabriel says.

"Together " Oliver says.

"No bug come on let's go figure out this fancy shower " I say walking to the bathroom.

"What that" Oliver asks pointing to the bathtub.

"That is a bathtub it's like a shower but you can sit in the water" I say.

"I try" he asks.

"Maybe after dinner " I say knowing he will get messy.

I get us in the shower and of course of forgot to pack are shower stuff so I have no choice but to use Gabriel stuff.

He had shampoo and conditioner which I'm so happy about.

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