chapter six

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Grace POV; I just put Oliver down for his nap Gabe came home for lunch he is in his office.

I cleaned up a little bit put some clothes to wash then text Gabe mom about father day.

She helped me pick out Gabe gifts we also got James a little something that's if he shows up I have been calling him all morning he hasn't answered my calls.

2 hours later

Oliver woke up from his nap James still hasn't showed up.

I call him again he finally answered

"What do you want I'm sleeping" James says.

"Sleeping do you know what time you were supposed to be here" I ask.

"Yeah 1" he says

"It's 3 James I gave you a chance and you just threw it out the fucking window" I say.

"Look I'm sorry I went to a party and got really fucked up maybe tomorrow" he says.

"I have things to do tomorrow Oliver has therapy tomorrow you can come if you want but if you don't show up then that's it" I say.

"What time" he asks.

"At 10" I say.

"I will be there" he says.

"See Ms.Jessica" Oliver asks.

"Yeah" I say.

"Oliver how about you go color me a picture for my wall in my office" Gabe says.

Gabe starts rubbing my shoulders

"Just relax after the appointment stop by my office" he says kissing my shoulders.

I look at Oliver he is pulling his hair

"Oliver come here" I say holding my arms out.

He pulls it when he gets frustrated when it's in his face.

It's about to his shoulder he won't let me cut it.

"Bun or Braid" I asks.

"Bun" Oliver says.

I put his hair up then he goes back to coloring.

"What do you want for dinner" Gabe asks.

"Pizza the most unhealthy pizza you can find" I say.

"You got it" he says.

"No where are you going" I asks.

"I still have some things I need to do for work also need to find a new assistant" he says.

"Mama want" Oliver says.

"What do you want Oliver use your words" I say.

Oliver just shakes his head no

"Come here bug" i say holding my arms out.

He must be overstimulated

"Hey let's take him upstairs and pull the curtains in our room also turn on the light we got him" I tell Gabe.

Oliver is crying at this point I get to our bedroom Gabe did everything I asked even turned on the oil defuser.

"Hey Oliver look at mama" I say holding his face so he is looking at me.

I blow on his face to get him to calm down.

"See bug just breathe with mama" I say.

We lay down I help him latch on then gabe lays next to me.

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