chapter 13

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Grace POV; I'm finishing up some laundry after putting Oliver down for a nap.

I fell arms wrap around me Gabriel kisses my neck.

"You have everything packed for when he wakes up" Gabriel asks.

We are taking Oliver to the beach today after his nap.

(Went to the beach on Friday so it inspired me to write about going to the beach)

"Yeah everything is ready to go" I wrap my arms around him.

"How much milk did you get today" he asked.

"Not even one ounce" I say my breastfeeding days are over

"It's okay let's just wait and see what the doctor says" Gabriel kisses my head.

I love breastfeeding Oliver hasn't been sleeping good at night since my milk has slowed down.

I lay in bed reading on what to do about my milk until Oliver wakes up.

I get Oliver dressed and ready we loaded up then we headed to the beach.

I'm in the front seat while Gabriel drives he has his hand on my thigh.

Oliver is watching cars and is on his second Juice box.

"He is trying to tell you something" Gabriel says looking at Oliver through the rear view mirror.

I look back Oliver is signing wet his daiper is wet.

"Can you pull over he needs a daiper change" I say.

"Yeah we need gas anyways" Gabriel pulls into the gas station he goes inside to get some snacks

I have Oliver in the trunk changing his daiper

"Your a pretty little lady all by yourself" some creepy guy says getting close to me.

"My husband is inside right now" I pick Oliver up holding him close.

"Oh come on let's go have some fun in my car just leave the kid in the car" he says grabbing my arm.

"Get your hands off her right now" I hear Gabriel say he us really mad.

"Oh my bad" the guy says

"Yeah right get lost before I call the cops" Gabriel pulls me closer to him.

"Let's get out of here" I say getting in the car.

We get to the beach and set up Oliver is trying to run to the water

"Will you take him my breast feel really full" I hope my breast never do that again.

"You think the cookies help" Gabriel says

"Yes" I say grabbing my Brest pump

Gabriel mom made me cookies to help my lactation

About 20 minutes go by and I backup the machine.

Gabriel comes back with Oliver who has a handful of seashells.

"Mama look" Oliver is shoving them in my face.

"I see baby boy so pretty are you going to get more or do you need a snack" I asks pulling my bathing suit top down and pulling the cover off.

"Snack please mama" Oliver lays down shoving his hand down his swim daiper.

"Hey let's not do that little man" Gabriel says taking his hand out.

"My wee wee" Oliver says

"Yeah it's your wee wee but you don't do that in public or in front of a lady" Gabe says.

"Thank you" I whisper

"Daddy hold me" Oliver crawls onto his lap.

I give Oliver some cheez its then a bottle of milk.

We speed about 2 hours at the beach.

Oliver is knocked out in the back of the car.

"I need a nap when we get home" I say grabbing Gabriel hand.

"tomorrow is mother day everyone is coming over for dinner instead of lunch" Gabriel turns into the nighbhood.

Once we are at our house I get Oliver out and leave everything for Gabe to bring in.

Once I get dressed into pajamas get Oliver undressed leave him in his daiper.

Once my eyes close I feel Gabe hand on my forehead.

"Hey I know you wanna go to sleep but you feel really hot I brought you some water" Gabriel says.

I drink some water and close my eyes.

Next day

I'm woken up to Oliver and Gabriel not in bed I put my glasses on then my two favorite boys walk in with breakfast.

"Happy mama day" Oliver says climbing up on the bed.

"Thank you bug" I hold him close he pulls on my shirt after a minute.

"Alright you can have some but you are eating real food too" I pull my shirt up leave the rest up to him.

Gabriel gives me gifts and feeds me breakfast.

Best mother day ever

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⏰ Last updated: May 13 ⏰

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