Chapter 7

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Valeria's pov

I lay on the gym floor sweaty and out of breath. I've just finished my workout and I'm tired as fuck. I gathered my strength and went to drink water. I looked at the clock and noticed that I still have half an hour before my gym shift ends.

Before the final stretch, I started to pack my things. Lastly I packed my twin daggers that I got from my best friend Nathan. I ran my fingers along the details of the daggers and thought about how much I have improved in using them.

These daggers are one of my most important treasures. When I lost Opal Nathan gave me these daggers so I could defend myself without a wolf.
Nathan had asked the witch to make daggers that could kill a werewolf and a vampire.

We always practiced and trained together until..

"Oh Nathan I wish you were here" I sighed out loud.

These days I train at human's gyms because I don't want anyone to know that I'm a master level fighter with daggers and because this was my and Nathan's thing.

I put the daggers in their slipcase and stretched. I left the gym and since my thoughts were still on Nathan I decided to visit him before going home.
I went to buy flowers and with a heavy heart I started driving towards the packs cemetery..

Let me tell you more about my best friend. Nathan and I had known each other since we learned to crawl. We were always together and almost inseparable.

Nathan was the best. He was a funny joker who was always making jokes and prank people but he was a reliable friend. Everyone loved him. Me more than others..

In the early teenage phase, stronger feelings developed between us and we ended up together.
He was the first and only man I ever loved and everyone in our pack knew we were together. Our love was pure and genuine and it didn't change even when he found his mate, it just changed its form.

I was so happy for him when he found his mate at 18. We always knew that we weren't meant to be together forever and that our paths as a couple would part when we found our mates.

His mate was great. The three of us became really close and our shared past didn't bother anyone.

I can't believe I lost them both. They died last year.

I gasped when I realized I was already there. I got out of the car and started walking to their grave. The closer I got to the place the bigger the lump in my throat felt.

"Hi guys.." I held back my tears.

Two beautiful tombstones side by side. Nathan and Ryan. A small smile crossed my face as I remembered Nathan's shock that his mate was male. They were only together for a year, it's so unfair and it's all my fault because they have to protect me.

I laid the flowers on the graves and fell to my knees.

"I'm so sorry" and I let the tears fall.


"The first one to the waterfall gets the biggest piece of cake!" Nathan yelled before transforming and running into the woods.

"Hey, that's cheating!" Ryan yelled at his mate who took a false start.

"What a child" I laughed at my stupid friend.

The three of us were going on a picnic to a small waterfall that is in our packs territory. A beautiful sunny day and my two best friends, could there be anything better? Maybe if I would find my own mate but that can be left for another day.

We let Nathan go his own way and walked calmly with Ryan the whole way. There a sulking male was waiting for us, whining in hunger.

Ryan and I burst out laughing, which only made Nathan's sulking worse.

I took a deep breath, still giggling
"okay okay let's start eating"

After we ate Nathan and Ryan went swimming while I stayed to sunbathe. About 15 minutes later there was a smell in the air that I will never forget.

My eyes flew open and before I could get up the rogue tackled me to the ground. "Nathan!" I screamed as loud as I could.

"Dad rogues at the waterfalls, send help!" I mindlink to my dad while trying to stop the wolf from biting my neck.

Soon the weight was lifted from me when Nathan's wolf attacked the rogue. I got up and looked around. Nathan and Ryan had transformed and were fighting the rogue wolfs. I'm worried about Ryan, he's good at fighting but is still weaker because he's an Omega.

Two rogues were already dead, but more were coming all the time. I grabbed my daggers from the lunch box and helped the boys.
After the fifth dead Rogue, there was a loud yelp.

"Ryan!" I screamed and ran to his aid as the rogue sunk his teeth into his neck.

My daggers sank into rogue's throat and it fell to the ground dead.

I lifted Ryan's wolf into my arms. "Ryan please don't go no no no.." I watched as the life disappeared from his eyes and soon a heartbreaking howl covered all the sounds and I cried.

All the rogues were dead and Nathan's wolf came to us and tried to wake up his mate. I just sobbed.

Nathan transformed back into his human form and hugged Ryan who had also transformed back.
"No Ryan baby wake up.. No no NO!" And then he cried out in agony.

We were both so blinded by grief and pain that we didn't notice the rogue sneaking up behind us. Just as it was about to attack my neck Nathan lunged between us.

Just then our warriors arrived and the rogue ran away but the damage was already done. I crawled over to Nathan and noticed how badly his neck was bleeding.

"Not you too Nathan please.." I cried next to him.

"D-Don't cry V-Val" he tried to speak but he was bleeding too much and he coughed "at least I can get back to R-Ryan" he coughed again.

"I l-love you Val and I will a-always look after you.."
A lone tear fell from his eye as he took his last breath.

"NO NATHAN NO!" I screamed as the warriors tried to move me away from his body.

Finally I felt my strength run out and I lost consciousness.

The warriors never caught the rogue and it has haunted my mind ever since.

But Nathan would be proud if he saw how strong I am now and how skilled I am with my daggers. If only I had been as strong that cursed day.

I stared at the tombstones and just wondered why this is all happening to me, does the Moon Goddess hate me. Why have I lost so much? Maybe it's good that I can't find my mate, he would probably be taken away from me too.

My mate.. Maybe I'm cursed to be alone.

"Sorry guys, I can't stay longer, I still have work for tonight. I have to prepare the guest rooms for Alpha Lucas and his entourage".

"I'll come again as soon as the visit is over" I tried to smile and left with glum mood.

I went back to the car. I was mentally exhausted but I knew that I had to prepare the rooms today even if I didn't want to because the guests were coming tomorrow.
And I promised my mother that I would help. I closed my eyes and let out a tired sigh

"Stupid Alpha Lucas.."

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