Chapter 27

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Valeria's pov

I'm now officially Luna of the Midnight Pack. I watched with Lucas' family when he was in a trance. I can only hope that Lucas keeps his word and doesn't affect our mating. I want to do it on my own terms.

I wouldn't want another fight, especially since Alpha James is coming to see Lucas soon. Alpha and Luna are stronger together so being in arguments is weakening the pack.

"Is this supposed to take this long?" I asked Derek.

"Hmm, hard to say. The concept of time in the Moon Goddess Temple is different from here. I would think that Lucas is just having trouble coming up with a wish." He answered.

I sighed and went to the other side of the ballroom to call my parents. I miss everyone. Maybe I could go see them soon. I told them all about the Luna ceremony and that we are waiting for Lucas to wake up.

I started to feel really tired. It's been a long day and a rollercoaster of emotions, so I could happily go to sleep. I sat down on the bench to wait.

Just when I felt like I was going to fall asleep in that place, Lucas woke up. I got up and started walking over to him, still really tired. Does this tiredness have anything to do with his wish? It better not be or I will beat his sorry ass.

My head was spinning and I felt myself start to fall. I staggered forward and Lucas hurried over to me. He caught me before I fell to the floor.

"Everything is fine Valeria, it's okay baby. This is part of it, don't fight sleep." Lucas said, picking me up in his arms.

"No. What.. What have you done?" I got to ask before everything went dark.

I woke up and got up. What happened? Where am I?

Soon everything started to come to mind and I growled. Lucas. I'll knock him out when I find him. But now I need to figure out where I am and why.

I looked around properly and recognized the place. What on earth? I'm in the Crescent Moon pack, one of my favorite places. A small waterfall. How can one place hold so many good but also bad memories?

"Nice place, huh?" A soft voice asked and I turned around so fast I almost fell over.

I bowed to her and she laughed.

"You remind me of a certain person. Get up Valeria, you don't have to bow to me." She said and I looked at her.

Selene walked over to me and stroked my hair.

"You really are a beautiful young woman." She smiled.

Her smile was contagious so I smiled too until I remembered why I'm here.

"I'm sorry Selene, but I don't want to agree to be ordered, you can't fulfill such a wish. That's not right please." I asked her and she looked at me confused.

"What do you mean?" She asked.

"I know that Lucas is hoping for something related to me. And it can't be anything other than him getting a better relationship with me, or even worse, that we finalize our mating. You cannot take away my own decision-making power!" I ranted and suddenly she laughed at me.

"Oh Valeria, you should trust your mate a little. That's not what you're here for." She answered, still giggling.

Now it was my turn to be confused.

"Then why am I here?" I asked.

"First I want to say that there is not much time, so use it wisely. The past is the past and we don't talk about it." She said and I was only more confused.

"Okay.. So why am I here?" I repeated.

"Because of them." Selene answered and I turned back towards the waterfall.

My breath caught in my throat, my heart started beating hard and tears welled up in my eyes. How?

Standing by the waterfall was Nathan with my Opal next to him. Nathan smiled and opened his arms.

"Hi angel." How I have missed his voice.
"Hi Val." Opal whispered, touched.

"Nathan... Opal.." I whispered and started to cry. I ran to Nathan and jumped to hug him. We fell to the ground but I didn't let go. Opal came over and licked my cheek.

"How is this possible?" I mumbled through the tears.

"This was the wish of our mate Lucas. Onyx gave him the power to decide what he wished for." Opal said.

"Our mate is quite a hottie." She giggled.

"Come on ladies, we don't have much time, so why not exchange news and spend all possible time as best we can." Nathan smiled.

I was completely speechless. Time passed too fast, I didn't want to let go of either of them so we were glued to each other. I told about my life in the new pack and how everyone was doing. Nathan and Opal were not allowed to talk about life after death, but they said that everything is fine and that Ryan is also fine.

Oh, how I've missed them. All too soon I felt the familiar feeling of tiredness so I hugged them. We went to the ground to lie down so that I was between them and held each of them as best I could.

"Everything is fine Val, life will work out. Do you remember how mom always said that even after the darkest time there is always light? This is just that, light into your life. We are always with you, in your heart." Opal said.

"Thank you Opal, as if I haven't cried enough already." I said and felt the need to cry again.

"Don't cry Val. You get back to our mate, enjoy life. We'll see each other again when the time is right. And if you could say hello to Onyx and that he is exactly the kind of mate I always imagined." Opal said with a light whine.

"Of course." I answered briefly because I no longer trusted my own voice.

"And give that jerk a proper chance. I want you to be happy and it won't happen until you forgive him properly." Nathan nudged my shoulder and I laughed.

"After this, definitely. It was so nice to see you. My heart feels lighter knowing that you are all w-well." My voice broke and I moved to Nathan's arms, I also felt Opal move to my back. It felt impossible to stay awake.

"We love you Valeria, never forget that." Nathan said.

"I love you too, so much." I answered and closed my eyes. Before I fell asleep I whispered

"Thank you Lucas.."

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