Scene 3

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"You're crazy!" My best friend, Jacob, almost shouts as we're on our way to the cafeteria. I immediately make him a sign to shut up, since we've already gotten ourselves questioning stares from the people around. Okay, truth to be told, we always get stares from the people, especially the girls, around. That has something to do with how incredibly attractive we are. Jacob, like me, is also captain of one of Wrencore's sports teams. Yet, different to me, he leads the volleyball team while I lead the hockey team.

Jacob is staring at me now, his blue eyes wide open and one hand on his mouth so that he doesn't scream anymore. With the other hand, he keeps going through his overly blonde hair, something he only does when he's nervous or annoyed. I've been sharing a dorm room with the guy ever since my freshman year, so I've gotten enough time to learn about his every habit. Now, I'm the beginning of my junior year and he's still the best friend I have.

"Can you keep your voice down. I don't want people knowing about how screwed up I am." I say, fake smiling at the ones looking at us. I guess it wasn't the best idea to tell Jacob about my deal with Tessa before walking into a public place. However, he's been out late last night and I've been doing my daily workout at the gym in the morning, so we haven't seen each other since.

"Oh, was I too loud? It's not every day your best friend tells you what a freaking mastermind he is." Jacob replies sarcastically. I flip him off with my middle finger.

"It was Tessa's idea." I add, feeling the need to explain myself. I don't want my best friend thinking I'm a psycho. It doesn't work as planned however.

"I'm sorry, what a mastermind he's dating." Jacob replies teasing. I roll my eyes annoyed and hope he'll be done with this conversation. Yet, of course he's not. Jacob is that type of guy the girls he's dated described as a "golden retriever". The one that always smiles and makes joke. Whenever the conversation takes a turn that he might find funny, he won't stop taking the chance to say jokes.

We enter the cafeteria and head to our table. At Wrencore, there are five guys that get everyone's attention: Jacob Grant (my best friend), Noah Coin (my biggest frenemy, captain of the football team), Alec Dunn and Adam Cunnan (both CEOs, both with enough money to buy not only the school, but probably even the world) and me. Some people call us "The Fab Five". It's not an actual thing. I mean, we're not part of some secret society or something like that. However, in our freshman year (Cunnan's sophomore year, since he's one year older than all of us), we understood that we're the ones getting the most interest, so we befriended each other. We're not really besties, yet we promised to always help each other. We even made a set of ten basic rules that we have to follow. One of them is one I'm on my way of breaking.

Jacob must be thinking about the same thing since he says: "Man, rule number one!"

Rule number one: The girlfriends of the other guys in the Fab Five are off limits.

Yeah, well. Fuck rule number one.

We take a sit at our usual table, which used to be Fab Five reserved. Last year however, Dunn decided to switch tables and go sit with his girlfriend. Cunnan followed him, since he is Dunn's best friend. Right now, it's only me, Jacob and Coin who are left. Davis also started joining us. Davis, Kai Davis, is Coin's best friend and vice-captain of the football team. Although he's also important and has the looks it takes, he didn't reach the Fab Five league. I feel bad for him.

I start trying to make eye contact with Sofia, to catch her attention. The fact she's sitting on Alec's lap, him kissing her neck and whispering stuff in her ear that make her giggle doesn't exactly help. Jacob notices my attempts to flirt with her, since he punches me in the arm. He has a strong grip, so it hurts and catches my attention.

"What?!" I ask, partly annoyed.

"You're not seriously going to do this, are you?" he asks me, honestly shocked and partly furious.

"You can't be telling me you're taking her side. You don't even know her. I'm your best friend." I try to convince him. He doesn't even flinch.

"You know what Dunn and her have been through to be together." He says and for a few seconds, I actually feel bad for agreeing to this deal. He's right. Dunn and Sofia have actually been through hell to get where they are now. She even almost married someone else and Dunn had to crash their wedding and declare his love while being filmed by press people showing it all live on TV. A feeling of guilt rises in me. I don't want to be messing with their love. Yet I also want love. And this is the only way to get it.

I ignore Jacob's comment and continue staring at Sofia and biting my bottom lip, trying to get her attention. My best friend notices and after rolling his eyes he asks: "Oh, so you're actually doing this? Then, just so I can be prepared, what flowers would you like to have at your grave?"

"Hahaha, very funny", I let out dry, trying not to pay much attention to his comment and make eye contact. Yet it's not Sofia that catches my glance. But Dunn. And from the coldness and warnings his eyes send right now, this isn't the first time he caught me staring at his girlfriend today.

"Fuck", I let out as I see him whisper something in Sofia's ear and kissing her cheek one more time. The girl asks something, yet I can't decipher what. Alec responds brushing a strand of hair from her face and he stands up. He makes a sign to Cunnan to follow and his best friend does as told. They then walk in our direction, heading straight to us. I can already feel a chill down my spine. It has been a rumour that Alec killed someone. And not just once. Twice. Although the rumour has never been confirmed by him or Sofia, I don't know if I want to know the answer.

Alec stops in front of me and doesn't even mind sharing a look to the other people at the table as he says: "Coin. Grant. West." His voice goes five octaves deeper as he says my name. Damn it. "Meeting. Outside. Now."

Okay, I know, Alec Dunn isn't exactly the most talkative person on Earth, but I be damned if I have ever heard him use just one-word sentences. Never. Which means he's pissed. And I'm the reason why.

Coin looks confused at the four of us, Alec, Jacob, Adam and I, clearly not understanding what this is about. He shakes with his shoulders however and stands up. Still with a chill down my spine, I also stand up and followed by Jacob, I walk together with the rest of the Fab Five outside. All the eyes are on us as we walk. I am used to this type of attention by now, but this time is even more. Because us five never hang out all together at the same time. We're friends and we get along, but we never voluntarily hang out at the same time, if it isn't in the cafeteria or at college events. Seeing us all walk out together might have raised questions in everyone's heads.

Trust me, I'm also questioning if I'll be alive by tonight.

"Daisies", I whisper to Jacob while we're still walking.

He looks at me confused for a second, then remembers the question he asked me before. The guy can't even hold a grin.

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