Scene 38

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"You look stunning", Nyla says, taking my hand and spinning me around. Our costumes for the play arrived, even though the play only takes place at the beginning of May. It's end of January now.

I'm wearing Juliet's dress. A beautiful renaissance dress, with a skirt that spins with me around with every move. The corset is like perfectly tailored for my body, so close to me like a second skin. There is a necklace around my neck, made of the finest pearls. Although Juliet wasn't a princess, I'm also wearing a small headband, like a tiara. The color of my dress is a beautiful velvet, golden elements giving it a fancy look.

It's perfect.

"Thank you", I whisper to her. "So do you."

It's true. Her dress is also amazing. It has the same style, only the color being different. Hers is a navy blue with silvery touches.

She chuckles and takes out her phone. "I believe this calls for a photoshoot."

I nod and also take my phone out. We snap tones of photos; selfies and photos of each other. When we're done, I send one I made with me looking in the mirror on the group chat with my friends. I also send it to Caden separately.

The girls answer in an instant.

SOPH: Oh my gosh, babe

SOPH: You look gorgeous

NESSIE: Juliet would be jealous

DIA: Real beauty here <3

APRIL: Girl, tell Caden I'm stealing you from him.

I have to chuckle at their replies. Caden's texts on the other hand leave me speechless, gasping for air.

CADEN ♡︎ : You're beautiful, Broadway

CADEN ♡︎ : Absolutely stunning

CADEN ♡︎ : And this dress suits you so well.

CADEN ♡︎ : You'll be the most perfect Juliet.

CADEN ♡︎: The dress has one problem though: Too many layers.

CADEN ♡︎: It will be harder to take it off.

I am not exaggerating when I say I'm screaming inside right now.

With a stupid smirk on my face, I return to rehearsal.

The smirk doesn't disappear that soon.

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