Scene 19

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"So, how's our new Juliet?" Adam asks while walking through the door of the restaurant and straight to me. He's holding a bouquet of flowers in his hands, which quickly makes Caden who is sitting next to me raise an eyebrow. I throw a grin at him and go hug Adam, who lifts me up and spins me around.

"I heard you knocked them dead", he whispers to me and I chuckle. Adam then puts me back on the ground and we return to the big table where all my friends are sitting. Soph went way over the top to celebrate I got the role. After getting everyone flowers for them to give me (she didn't tell me she bought them, but there was no way any other one would know all my favorite flowers, so I immediately knew she was behind the whole bouquet action), she had also convinced Alec to reserve the restaurant in his hotel just for us for one evening. I've mentioned before the guy is CEO of the biggest hotel company in the world, Dunn Leisures, and also has a few hotels in New York. He even lives in a penthouse in the last two floors of the most expensive one of his hotels in the city. It's the restaurant of this hotel we are in now. And by we, I mean our whole friend group. Soph, April, Dia, Nessie and I. The Fab Five are also here. So are Mark and Leo, Nessie and Dia's boyfriends. Even Darrel agreed to take a sit at our table. Soph didn't tell me what was going on, not until we were standing in the restaurant which was already decorated with fancy silver and golden balloons, and all my friends screamed "Surprise!". I had to cry, not believing what was happening.

Adam takes a sit on the spot Alec saved him next to him. As he's down, he greets the ones sitting at the table and says: "I'm sorry for being late. I had a meeting with one of our partners and it ran late." Alec nods understanding, since he's a CEO like Adam and must know what it's like. Soph takes a little spoon and hits her glass of champagne slowly a few times, to catch our attention. She then stands up and smiles at the crowd, who already smiles at her. It's impossible for one not to smile at my bestie. Not only does she have that kind of contagious smiles, but she also looks like the princess she is right now. She's wearing a beautiful checkered white and blue dress, with pearls surrounding her neck, her wrist and hanging from her ears. Her feet are covered in white high heels and her hair is perfectly styled as always. I guess her boyfriend has also noticed she's gorgeous, since his eyes are fixed on her as if he'd never want to look away again. Before she starts the speech, Alec takes her hand and pulls her down to him to kiss her. She giggles and whispers something in his ear, which makes him reward her with a smile. I can see how the rest of the people at the table go quiet and widen their eyes. It's rare for Alec to smile. He almost never does in the presence of other people. Only for Soph. And the proud look on his best friend's, Adam's, face proves my point.

Soph goes back up and Alec's face turns serious again, his eyes sparkling though as he looks at her. My bestie begins her speech, and one can immediately tell she's done toasts before: "So, I'd like to thank you all for being here today to celebrate my bestie. Nini, I just want to say how incredibly proud I am of you, for getting the role you wanted. I know how much you have worked for it and it clearly paid off. You are the most talented person I know and I can only say there's no other girl out there who would have been better for this role than you. I love you so much!"

I lose it and stand up to go hug her. Our friends start a round of applause and start shouting "Speech! Speech!". I chuckle and after throwing Soph a thankful look, I still keep my arm around her shoulders and begin my speech: "Thank you so much for being here! I had no idea this was going to happen, so I also want to say a special thanks to Soph and Alec for organizing this." Soph holds me closer and Alec nods at me. I continue: "I couldn't have done this without your help. A special thanks also goes to Caden, for being my Romeo at rehearsals. Thank you!"

Caden looks up at me, from the chair he occupies next to mine. He smiles, a first honest smile I get from him, and I can feel my world spinning faster. If this is what a smile looks like on him, I want to make this guy smile so much that he never has to wipe it away from his lips. "Anytime, Broadway", he mouths and I send him an air kiss.

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