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*Mild Mature Content


"Hey. Sorry about that again," I say, taking the spot on the couch by Emma.

"It's okay. So, uh, who's your friend?" she asks.

And here we go... "His name's Ryland. I just met him not that long ago."

"He's hot." Of course.

"Uh..." I'm not really sure how I'm supposed to respond to that. Ew? But he is hot, though...

Mom suddenly walks in, holding two glasses of iced tea. "I thought I'd bring you both something to drink."

"Oh, thank you," Emma tells her, taking the glass.

"Hey, Wesley," Mom says to me as I'm taking mine. "I threw his shirt in for a quick rinse. I was able to get it all out."

"Okay. Thanks, Mom."

"And after Emma leaves, I was going to go shop for some groceries. Is Ryland going to hang out for a little bit?"

"Yeah. If that's okay."

"It's fine. Just throw his shirt in the dryer when it gets done."


"I'm going to go get ready now."

"Okay," I repeat. She nods and walks away, leaving us alone. "So where were we?" I ask Emma.

"We were talking about your hot friend."

"Oh, uh... Shouldn't we focus on the project?" I'd really prefer not talking about him.

"We can do that next week," she says, closing her textbook. Okay, I guess we're talking about him.

"Well, like I said, I just met him, so there's not much to tell." I bring my glass up to my lips and drink some, already annoyed with the conversation.

"Is he your boyfriend?" The question makes me choke on my tea. "Shit. Are you okay?"

"What the hell?" I ask her with huge eyes when I'm finally able to breathe again. "No! I'm straight."

"Really? I mean, I thought so to begin with, but you looked a little red when he came out earlier."

"No, I didn't."

"How are you going to say that when you couldn't even see yourself?"

"Well, it wasn't like that. I'm not gay," I say, crossing my arms.

"Okay. Sorry. It was just the vibe I was getting." I'm getting really tired of people assuming I'm gay. It's like I have some invisible aura around me that tells people I like dick. God, what the fuck?! "What about him?"


"Is he gay?" she asks.

It's really not any of her business. "I don't know. Like I said, I haven't known him that long."

"Hmm. Well, you two would make a cute couple." The comment grosses me out, but at the same time, my heart starts beating faster. We would? She really thinks so?

I need to react how a guy who's fully straight and not confused in the slightest would react. "Ew. Don't say shit like that."

She rolls her eyes. "You have a girlfriend then?"

"I did. We broke up about a month ago."


"You're nosy," I tell her bluntly.

"No, just curious." Her phone lights up, and she glances down at it. "Whatever. I need to go anyway."

"Alright. We can work on it again Monday if you want." We barely got shit done. Just a few notes to write on our poster board. We still have to decorate it and make a model of the desert. It shouldn't be too hard, though. The desert is mostly sand.

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