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*Homophobia warning (sadly)


She stares at us for a second before immediately turning around and rushing back outside. Ryland instantly bolts after her, and I quickly follow behind him. Fuck!

"Lexi, wait! Fucking wait!" Ryland yells.

"He's gay! They're fucking gay!" As soon as the words leave her mouth, I feel like I'm going to be sick. This isn't how I wanted this to happen.

Everyone's out of the water now and looking over at us to see what she's talking about. I quickly search for Alyx to see him and Amaya still on the dock, not paying any attention to her shouting, so maybe he didn't hear her. Seeing everyone's eyes on me makes me panic worse. Elaine and Kayson look more sympathetic than judging, but Jason seems amused.

Lexi points her finger at me and glares. "That's why you embarrassed me in front of everyone at the New Year's Eve party. You're gay!"

"Shut the hell up, Lexi! He's not," Ryland argues.

"Oh, really? And that's why you two were just kissing inside?" she retorts.

"Seriously?" Jason asks, letting a laugh out. "I had to apologize to you, and I was right? I knew it. Fucking faggots." The word makes me take a step back. That's the first time it's directed at me, and I don't like it. At all. But I really don't like Ryland being called it even more.

"That's not cool, Jace. Stop-," Kayson starts, but Ryland cuts him off, stepping closer to Jason.

"Don't fucking call him that!"

He stands up from his seat. "Or what? I'm not wrong. God, I fucking guessed it so long ago. I mean, you two make it so obvious." His eyes suddenly shift to mine. "How's his dick feel? Cause that's another thing that's obvious."

"Shut the fuck up before I beat your ass," Ryland warns him.

"Try it," is all he says.

I notice in the corner of my eye Alyx and Amaya start to come this way. What do I do? I don't want him to find out this way, and they're definitely going to tell him. There's no doubt about that. Shit!

I immediately bolt in his direction, leaving the group behind. If he's finding out today, it's going to be from me. He sees me coming toward him and furrows his brows. I quickly grab his arm and drag him to the woods surrounding us.

"Wes, what's going on?" As I pull him deeper into the woods, panicked thoughts run through my head. I might lose my best friend in the next few seconds. He might never speak to me again. This might be it. "Where are we going?"

"I don't know," I force out. I really don't. I just keep pulling him further, wanting to get as much distance from the rest of them as possible. I need a second to figure out how I'm going to do this.

"What happened back there? Why was Lexi yelling at you?" Okay, I guess he witnessed some of it but didn't hear it.

"Just... give me a second to think."

"Think about what? Wes, how far are you going to take us? The sun's starting to set. It's going to be dark soon." Damn it. He's right. We'll end up lost if I keep going.

I come to a stop and release his arm, keeping my back facing him. I don't know if I can look at him and do this. I don't want to watch his face morph to disgust. Or anger. Or whatever displeased emotion he might have when he finds out. Or maybe Amaya and Ryland are right. What if he is accepting? I really hope that's the case.


I take a few deep breaths before finally speaking. "I didn't get to finish what I was asking you last night. Before Dylan came in."

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