The storm

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I bend over, placing my hands on my knees for support as I pant for air

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I bend over, placing my hands on my knees for support as I pant for air. I must be over seven miles from the academy.

My legs burn and ache as I walk into the small village that I spotted. I fall down onto a bench, the lack of food in my system causing me to feel lightheaded.

It takes me a minute to realise I'm sat next to an old black cat with specs of grey in it's fur. "Hey," I whisper while reaching out to stroke it. Little droplets of rain fall from the sky and drip down my face as me and the cat sit silently next to each other.

"Teddy?" An elderly woman calls out from the doorway of the building I'm sat outside. "Sorry," I say while lifting my hand off the cat, fearing that this lady might not want anyone touching it.

"Nonsense, you're alright dear," She reassures. "It's just a storm is comin' and I want the animals to all be fed and in their kennels before it starts," She explains as I lift myself off the bench. "Oh you run an animal shelter?" I ask after reading the sign that adorns the front of the building. 

"I could help out with the animals if you'd like, I used to volunteer at a shelter back in my old town," I smile at her.

The woman agrees to let me help after I pretty much pleaded with her, not wanting to go back to that school and be left with my thoughts just yet.

"I love your necklace," She compliments as we walk into the shelter. "Thank you," I reply, holding the pendant out in my palm. 

"Where did you get it, I know my granddaughter would love it," She asks, placing the black cat on the floor. "Oh I don't know, it was a gift," I reply, feeling bad that I can't give her an answer. 

"From someone special?" She winks at me. "Yeah someone really special," I confirm. "Ah young love," She sighs wistfully. I feel as if I'm deceiving her, I've never experienced being in love.

We spend about an hour preparing each animal's lunch as they all have individual diets and medicines. I watch as they all adorably scamper out as we lead them to the right bowls.

"Do you usually do this all by yourself?" I ask while cleaning up a mucky kennel, confused on how an elderly lady could do this everyday. 

"Only recently, I did have a volunteer that helped me out but she got a new job and I haven't seen her since," She responds. "Oh, well I can volunteer," I tell her, feeling bad that she's all alone. 

"I just moved into Willow Hall, I'm not sure what their rules are for leaving the academy after school but I know for sure I can volunteer on weekends," I explain happily.

"Oh dear I couldn't ask you to travel all the way out here, let me see what I can give you for your help," She says, reaching for her purse.

"Don't be silly," I giggle, gently swatting the hand filled with a twenty pound note that she's extending to me. "No really it's no problem, to be honest I'd much more enjoy coming out here than sitting around there doing nothing all day," I assure her.

"Well if you're sure it's no problem," She smiles at me warmly. 

I'm there for another three hours, we clean out all the kennels and put the scared animals in them with blankets and food as the storm rages outside.

It's now four pm and I've decided I should probably start getting back.

"Are you sure, like super sure?" She asks worriedly. "Yes, don't worry they're just down the road," I reassure, stepping out into the harsh rain. 

I convinced her that I called for a friend to pick me up and drop me back but the truth is I have no phone on me and I certainly don't have any friends. The run back will help me burn some more calories whilst giving me more time to mentally prepare for seeing the boys back at the dorm.

I stretch my legs out for a bit by walking before proceeding to sprint down the the isolated country road that leads back to the academy. The already darkened November afternoon sky, paired with the rain water pelting in my face causes me to have to stop on the side of the road so I can actually reevaluate where I'm going. 

I look around, not recognising the road I'm on. I groan, realising I'm lost. That is until I notice a sign poking out of the woods that reads 'Nature trail five miles to Willow Road'.

Hoping that the tall trees of the wooded area can shield me from pouring rain, I run down the trail. I nearly slip numerous times on the muddy ground as I make my way through the dark path, finally making it to the end as my lungs scream for air. 

I emerge out of the woods, spotting the road I had originally come down. I sigh in relief, knowing it'll only be a ten minute walk back to the academy. But that relief is soon replaced with utter terror as I reach out to fiddle was my pendant as I often do, only to realise my necklace is no longer safely clamped around my neck.

I frantically look around my feet, desperately hoping that it just fell off but after five minutes of looking in the same area I come to terms with the fact that I must have dropped it further back on the trail. 

Tears and rain water blur my vision as my already exhausted body retraces every step I took. I remember fiddling with it whilst I was reading the sign so I at least know that I lost it between then and now.

I walk up and down the path multiple times, my feet blistering and my body shaking as my shorts and soaked top do little to keep me warm. I drop to my knees every time I see any spec that resembles gold, sifting through the mud like a mad woman.

It's been hours and it's now pitch black, the only thing that can be heard is the pitter patter of the rain that's still chucking it down.

I cry alone in the middle of the woods, my clothes muddy and my legs bruised and scraped up as I realise that I've just lost the only thing left of her.

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